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Xander King

I wake up alone in my bed to the smell of delightful breakfast. The second I roll over memories of last night start to flood through my mind as I slip my sweatpants on.

Guilt runs through me; how foolish are you Xander my God you're married. And you fucked a stripper, who in fact you didn't even bother to get her name.

While I get dressed, Bella's voice was heard. "Go wake your father so we can eat. The new babysitter will be here soon." I groan walking out of the bedroom to the kitchen, I have totally forgotten about meeting the babysitter today.

"Oh good morning honey." My wife chirps as I walk in the kitchen.

I put on my fake smile I've had for a couple of years now sitting down. "What's the special occasion?" Clearing my throat looking at the food that Bella had made for the first time in a year.

"The new babysitter. Remember we talked about this the other night. Or did you block that conversation out to?" She fires at me rolling her eyes. Hannah my first daughter who is six walks in sitting down at the table.

"Good morning sweetie." I mumble before kissing her on the cheek.

"Good morning daddy, momma told me to come wake you but you were already out of bed." She says sweetly digging into her food. "Oh! Hannah sweetie, wait for the sitter, please." Bella says, Hannah pouts throwing down her food onto the plate.

"I'm going to get Andre and Alanna." She walks out, and Hannah looks at me. "Why does momma always got to be so mean?" She asks getting into my lap.

Her little brown eyes that mirrored mine all to well, glossing over. "Oh sweetie she—"

I was cut off by the doorbell. "I'll grab it." Bella says sitting the twins down in their chairs. I hear the front door open and a familiar voice speak with Bella.

Creasing my brows together, while Hannah continued pouring in my lap. All the sudden my world turns upside down as the girl from last night walks into my kitchen.

"Honey, kids, this is Kail Lowery the new babysitter." I felt sick to my stomach.

What the fuck is going on.

Kail Lowery

As I walk into the kitchen I notice the three cute kids sitting at the table with big smiles on their faces. "Honey, Kids, this is Kail Lowery the new babysitter." I smile at the kids first.

And when I look over to her husband to greet him, my heart drops. The same man I had sex with last night was sitting at the table. Holding his coffee mug in the hand that ran over my body last night.

His eyes widen when they are met with mine. "That's a pretty name." The oldest one giggles slapping me from my thoughts. I walk over once she hops off her dad's lap leaning to her eye level, poking her nose.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Hannah." She spoke shyly then pokes my nose. "These are the twins Andre and Alanna, they are a bit shy at first but they will warm up to you." Bella explains.

"That is just fine, I am very patient." I clarify, smiling at the both of them. They give sweet but shy smiles back. "This is my husband, Xander King." I look over at him at first he says nothing but then he stands up putting out his large hand.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Lowery." He speaks flexing his jaw. He seemed angry, he probably thought I set this up some way.

"Nice to meet you." Both of us pretending like we hadn't already met last night. Xander suits him well, Mr. King suits him even better. My small hand moves into his shacking it, my god his hands.

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