Y/N: she hangs out with maxim all day, she only talks to me when she's in the dorm

Meghan: Y/N it's your judgement, I can't exactly help you here. I've never been in your situation.

Y/N: ok well thanks for the talk

Meghan: no problem

We shake hands before I head over to sèb

Sèb: what's wrong, you look like your dog died as a kid

Y/N: don't worry about it

Sèb: what is it

Y/N: just thinking about something

Sèb: I will bug you till you tell me

Y/N: fine, Tina is rather distance

Intercom: Frost and barricade report to my office now

Sèb: we will continue this conversation later

Y/N: sure

I walk to six office and sit waiting for Tina. She walked in about two minutes later. When she walked in she walked over to me and sat in my lap. It was rather uncomfortable and I wassnt in the mood but whatever.

Six: you two are being deployed into Germany, there is a club house taken over by the white mask

Y/N: whatever you say

I pick Tina up and move her off of my lap. I walk to the dorm and change into the JTF2 uniform. I get my guns and head to the helicopter. Before Tina even gets there I'm already drifting off to sleep.

Time skip

I get off the helicopter and make my way to club house. I breach the front door and shoot two of them. I continue on my movement till I reach a room with alot of white mask. I unpin a hand grenade throw it into the room

W/M: what the hell is th...

Always watch for any and every thing. Tina finally caught up to me.

Tina: slow down

Y/N: why should I

Tina: because I don't want you to get hurt

Y/N: let's get this mission over

I move into the room and continued killing anything in my way. When we thought it was done a flashbang bounced into the room.

Time skip

I've be under interrogation for a few days now.

W/M: how long can you go being silent till we break you

I haven't said a word to them but something caught my attention. A white mask walked into the room with tina. She was only in a bra and underwear.

W/M: nether one of you will talk but you two are both JTF2 members. If I hurt her you will talk

I looked at Tina and she had fear in her eyes

W/M: put her on the table and get me the drill

They strap her down onto a table and walk out. Minutes later a guy returns with a drill

W/M: now pretty lady, you are our key to him talking

He gave her a kiss which infuriated me. He started the drill and pull it next to her ear

Y/N: STOP!!!!

W/M: what was that

Y/N: don't you hurt her

W/M: and if we do

Y/N: you will regret ever being born

W/M: what are you going to do it

I had my razor blade in my had, they didn't search my glove. I cut my rope after a while of trying. While I wasn't paying attention I heard Tina scream, I look up and the drill is in her leg

Y/N: you just kicked the bull

W/M: what are you going to do

Y/N: come here and I'll show you

He walks up to me thinking I couldn't do anything. I swung and hit him in the head.

W/M: you still got some fight in you

Y/N: I learned it from a guy who never gave up.

W/M: by who would that be

Y/N: rainbow isn't just CTU, we have an army ranger that never gave up even when he takes 50. Cal shots. The only thing that kept him going is what he stands for, and who loves him. He protects the ones he care for.

W/M: seems like you know the ace, that crazy bastard is the one who took out our tank on the battle

Y/N: do your worst to me but dont hurt her

W/M: but that's why she has a drill in her leg

I take the razor blaze and try to cut him. After ten minutes of me trying to get use to a small blade I put it in is neck. I take the knife he had which was my knife that I always kept on me. I get Tina off the table.

Y/N: here bit down on this

I give her a part of my uniform that ripped off. She bites down on the fabric while I do love the drill from her leg. She takes the fabric and throws it onto the ground. She wraps her arms around my neck.

Y/N: let go, I have and idea

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