TOW Everyone finds out

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This is another version of TOW Everyone finds out. In my version no one knows yet and everyone finds out at the same time, except Ross. Don't ask why, I just didn't want him in this one because he was in the last one and yeah I want to keep it all even and stuff. Hope you enjoy!-M

"When will Joey be home?" Monica asked as she Jumped into Chandler's arms. They were in apartment 20, Rachel had just gone off to work.

"I was kinda hoping we could do this without him" Chandler Joked as he carried Monica out the door to his apartment. Monica loved how even at these moments Chandler could make jokes. It's one of the things that made her fall in love with him. Of course she wouldn't say it quite yet.

As Chandler opened the door to apartment 19 he leaned down to Monica, passionately kissing her. He stopped when he heard a gasp. 'Shit' they both thought.

Simultaneously they turned their heads towards where the sound came from. Joey was stood in the middle of the apartment, mouth agape and eyes wide. He quickly pointed between them, the unmistakable expression of shock still glued to his face.

Carefully, Chandler put Monica down and cautiously walked towards Joey.

"YOU TWO!?"Joey screamed as expressions of shock, disgust, delight, and confusion all rushed over his face. He didn't know what to think of the situation.

"Yes, but you can't tell anybody. No one knows!" Chandler exclaimed hoping for the best reaction possible. Monica had her hands together, pleading Joey not to tell anyone.

"I gotta tell somebody!" Joey yelled, running towards the door. Monica and Chandler blocked the door. No where to go, Joey started asking questions "How!? When!?" Joey still seemed to be in a state of panic, so Chandler went over to comfort him, putting his hand on Joey's shoulder

"It happened in London" Chandler said softly as Monica made her way over to the boys

"IN LONDON!?!?" Joey seemed more shocked about this then the rest of it.

"What about London?" Rachel said from the doorway. They all spun their heads round, Monica desperately trying the cover up the whole situation.

"Joey is just sad that they only had that beer he rea-"

"CHANDLER AND MONICA!!" Joey cried out, interrupting Monica. The couple panicked as they scanned Rachel's face for a reaction.

Rachel was confused for a few seconds before she realised what Joey meant. She rushed over to Monica, and started shaking her shoulders.

"Mon, is this true!?" She asked, not quite knowing what to think

"Joeeyyyy!" She exclaimed, ignoring Rachel's question.

"Oh my god I can't believe this!" Rachel said more to herself then anyone else.

"Yes. Yes, it's true, but it's not a big deal" Chandler said, trying to keep the situation under control.

"I can't BELIEVE you would say that! This is such a big deal!" Rachel exclaimed. "Who else knows?"

"Just you and Joey" Chandler explained, snaking his arms around Monica's waist and softly kissing her neck.

"Aww we're so happy for you guys" phoebe smiled cheekily as she spun around in the armchair to face them.

"PHOEBE!? YOU WERE HERE THE WHOLE TIME!?" Monica asked, clearly shocked about the sudden turn of vents.

"Yeah, I was hanging out with Joey and I wanted to see how all of this played out. I knew there was something going on between you two" she said, the cheeky smile not leaving her face for a second.

"Oh, oh, OH! I'm gunna write a song about this! But ill use different names. 'The tale of Marsha and Chester'" phoebe nodded, going off into her own little world.

"Well this is great! So everybody knows!?" Joey said, clearly happy that he didn't have to keep any secrets.

"Well....Ross doesn't know" Monica said hoping that Joey wouldn't get too upset.

"Yes, and we'd prefer if you didn't tell him" Chandler finished

Joey was annoyed at the couple, but he couldn't blame them. lately Ross had been going through some stuff with Emily and he wasn't very stable to say the least.

They all agreed that it was best not to tell Ross until he was in a more stable position, and wouldn't kill Chandler.

-The end

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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