On the lookout

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You tell the guys that you are going to look for your Mom.Harry says that he is comming with you and the rest of the boys say that they will wait for both of you guys by the food stand.You say "Ok."and then start searching around the safe zone.The safe zone was huge!Then Harry tells you that he came with you because he was really worried about you durring the whole trip here and that he also wanted to search for his Mom.

After an hour of searching,it starts to get dark so you head back with Harry to the boys.On the way back you say "Sorry."to Harry because you didn't have any luck on finding his Mom.Then he says "It's ok." and gives you a warm smile.Then he says "Tomorrow first thing in the morning,right after breakfast,we can look around again."You agree with him and give him back a smile and then a hug.

You look up at the sky and see the huge full  moon just beaming on both of you.Then you look at Harry and then he saws "Oww." while he rumbs his forehead.You ask him if he is ok and he says "Yeah.It's just another migraine."The you both arrive with the boys.You see Eugene yawning,Ethan getting ready his blankets and stuff,Zion laying down and looking at you walk over,and Lawrence checking his bag to make sure all his stuff is there.

Eugene walks up to you and Harry.Eugene just says "We should get some sleep." while he yawns.You all sleept 2 feet away from each other.You sleept with the blankets that you had when you were at the school.You sleept 2 feet away from Harry.You all said"Goodnight." to each other and sleept.

Everyone falled asleep except for you and Harry.You both just looked at the beautiful big full moon.

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