Chapter 1

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This story begins on the set of 'How To Rock'. Kasey Simon is sitting with her friends in the lunchroom. It's two weeks before Christmas, and their trying to plan a Christmas party.

Kasey: Okay guys, ideas?

Nelson: Well, we could get a 50 foot tree...

Kevin: ...and instead of decorating it with ornaments, we decorate it with people. *high fives Nelson*

Kasey:...Okay...anyone else?

Stevie: Maybe we could have karaoke.

Kasey: Great! That's a fantastic idea!

Nelson: And what was wrong with our idea?

Sander: Well, Stevie's idea was actually good...

Kasey: ...and you're idea was just plain creepy.

Kevin: Hey, our idea wasn't that bad!

While the five friends continued to talk, The Perfs walked over.

Molly: Kasey, Are you as excited as I am for the the huge Christmas party next week?

Grace: I know I am, Molly.

Kasey: Christmas party? What Christmas party?

Molly: Oh, you mean you weren't invited?

Grace: Awww, that's too bad. I hear there's gonna be karaoke-

Kevin: So?

Grace: BTR-

Nelson: Who cares?

Grace: iCarly-

Sander: Lame.

Grace: Oh, and there's gonna be a HUGE chocolate fountain.

Kevin, Nelson, and Sander: AWWWWWW!!!!!!

Molly: Yeah, my dad is friends with BTR's manager. So I'm on the VIP list.

Grace: Her dad!

Molly, Yes Grace, they know my dad!

Kevin: Man, I bet Molly has a 50 foot tree decorated with people.

Nelson: The Perfs get everything!

Molly: Well, see you there! Oh, I guess I won't.

Then they walked away.

Kasey: So, who cares about that party?

Stevie: I know I don't.

Sander: Sounds boring.

Kevin: I totally want to go to that party!

Nelson: ME TOO!!

Kasey: Okay, we'll go.

Stevie: But we weren't invited.

Kasey: Don't worry, we'll get in there. *nods*

Stevie and sander: *nods*

Kasey: You guys thinking what I'm thinking?

Nelson: Chiwawas have extremely huge ears?!


Nelson: Because compared to their tiny bodies, their ears are just MASSIVE!!!

Kasey: No, I mean we're sneaking into that party.

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