Chapter 4: our indirect date

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OMG I recieved a text from Jungkook
~text chat~
Jungkook: hey rose, it's me Jungkook
Me: oh hi Jungkook
Jungkook: ummm if you have some free time do you wanna go out tomorrow at 5pm
Me: sureee! Where
Jungkook: hahahaha it's a secret I all just pick you up at 5
Me : hahaha okkk
Jungkook: can I have your address?
Me: sure ( tells him your adress)
Wait why am I so excited? Do I have feelings for him? I needed help so I decided to talk to my unnies
We weee having dinner so I broke the silence by telling everything them about Jungkook
Me: unnies I'm going somewhere with Jungkook tomorrow
Lisa, Jennie and jisoo: OMG WAHHHH
Me: but I need help
Lisa,jisoo and Jennie: omg what's wrong
Me: idk if I have feelings for him, I always blush when I see him and I feel butterflies in my stomach and many more...
Lisa,Jennie and jiso: you definitely like him.
Lisa: i think you should confess your feelings to him.
Me:okay I'll try
OMG I'm having an "date"!!!
I am really excited and nervous at the same time because I'm going to confess my feelings to her. I just hope she feels the same way.
~ the next day~
I woke up early and then I took a "quick nap" but I ended up sleeping long.
I was at her house at 5:03 *knock knock*
Jennie: oh hi your Jungkook right, come in I will lead you to rose's room
Jungkook: ok
While going to her room Jennie suddently said in a soft tone so nobody would hear it: if you break her heart I'm going to break your face! I gulped and I said o-o-o-okay. She then opened the door and as soon as it opened her death glare became a sweet smile. She left us alone in the room
I saw rose still sleeping. She looks so peaceful and cute when she sleeps that I didn't want to wake her up but I had to. I lightly pinched her cheeks and said rosieee wake up softly. She woke up and was shocked she said "Omg I slept to much I'm sorry I will get ready" and I just smiled at her showing my bunny teeth. She went out of her closet and she just wore a flowy dress.
We went into my car and rose suddently ask where are we going in a cute tone. I said you'll see with a cute smile.
Rose: omg it's so beautiful I love these places with nature and peaceful vibes
Me: I knew you would like it
We stayed under a cherry blossom tree and ate and chatted for a long time.
*1 hour later*
Me: ummm rose I have to tell you something
Rose:sure what is it?
Me: I like you
a smile plastered on her face
Rose: omg I like you too and I was just about to confess to you
Me: omg so does this mean we're together now!
Rose: I guess so
She said it happily
We hugged and then I kissed her forehead.
We admired the beautiful view until I felt something on my shoulder
Rose was asleep already so I decided to not wake her up and bring her to her place. I carried her bridal style while she was fast asleep in my arms until we reached my car which was 5 min away from our location. We reached her hotel so I gently picked her up and carried her bridal style in my arms again. She was really light. I reached their floor and knocked on the door but her unnies didn't answer. They left a note on the door saying that they went shopping so I decided to just bring her to my place, our hotels were just a few miles away from each other so I just walked to my hotel while rose was being carried on my arms. My hyungs were so shocked to see me carrying rose bridal style but I just ignored them and Layed rose in my bed and I just slept on the mattress.
To be continued....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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