Chapter 10

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“C’mon bulbyboy, wake up..” Stretch said softly, gently shaking the little ghost. As soon as he opened his eyes, fresh tears came to the boy's already tear-stained face. Stretch proceeded to dry them gently. “What's the matter, bad dream?”
“Mm-hm..” Casper nodded slowly as he sat up in bed. “That's it, c’mere..” He carefully lifted the younger ghost and laid him on his lap. “There now, that better?” He asked, while stroking his nephew's head as an attempt to soothe him. “Thanks, Uncle Stretch..” He looked up into his uncle's violet eyes. “I dreamt of when those people took Dad away..remember, Uncle Stretch?”
“How could I forget, shortsheet..” Sadness sounded in the older ghost’s voice. “Heck, he was a brother of mine! A favorite one of mine too, ya know that?”
“Yea..and he was different than the rest of us, no doubt about it.”
“I really miss him..” Casper murmured longingly.
“I know ya do, and I do too..if only I’ve treated ya better for all these years, cuz you've been through a lot already..”
“Uncle Stretch?” Casper squinted at the effort of recalling his dream. “Don't you remember? You and the others stayed here at Whipstaff, so I wouldn't be so lonely or sad..” He pointed out. Stretch began to feel better, which was portrayed through the slight smile that appeared on his features. “Well from now on we're gonna be better company for ya, how's that sound?” He murmured softly, continuing to caress the young boy's large and round head, trying his best to comfort him. Casper sighed happily and his expression began to relax. “Ya like that, bulbhead?”
“Yeah..feels nice..” His uncle's gentle gesture was beginning to lull him back to sleep, but rather in a more peaceful state than the last time. Then the older ghost instinctively looked around the room to be sure no one was watching, before lovingly planting a kiss on his nephew's head. Despite being surprised, Casper couldn't resist but to savor the moment while finally resting his head on his uncle's chest. “Go to sleep, shortsheet..I'm right ‘ere..” Stretch wrapped his arms around him in order to comfort him and maintain a hug-like position between them. “G’night, Uncle..” The boy murmured gratefully. “‘Night, Casper..”

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