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When we last left off...

I sigh slightly. I'm happy for Sam. I just...don't know how I'm going to break the news to her. I've been talking about it with Andrew (That's what we're gonna call Mr. Bucket when in Mrs. B's P.O.V.), and we've both decided that we will have to tell her at a meal. But how is the question. Oh well. At least she's happy with Willy. She finally found someone who makes her happy. I remember feeling that when I met Andrew...

Let's continue...

Sam P.O.V.

Soon, Willy and I have to break apart for air, and then head back into the house for breakfast (BEKFAST! Sorry...) and see mom already cooking. It's no longer cabbage soup, but instead we are getting some porridge. Mmmm, something different for once. We both sit down at the new table, and after a few minutes mom comes over with the food, setting it down in the middle of the table, and she then sits down. We then start eating. "It's delicious mom! I didn't know you could cook this well!" I say, and she laughs. "Yes, even though all I used to cook was cabbage soup, I still knew a few other recipes." We all laugh a bit, but then she says something that slightly startles me: "Sam, we have...uh...something to tell you..." I say slowly "Okay, what is it?" I'm very confused, but then mom starts explaining; "Well, I know that this is going to be hard for you, but, um, we aren't your actual parents..." I cough a bit, shocked. "W – What? You mean you've lied to me all these years?" I say back, and she looks down, seemingly ashamed, but then continues; "Yes. I'm very sorry. But that's not even the worst of it. You see, your real parents...they died. When no one in your family wanted to take you in, we agreed to raise you as our own. We were very good friends of your parents, and it was decided that we would take you. But here's the thing: You're parents...they were different. In fact, they weren't even completely human." That shocked me even more. Scared me, even. I stood up from my seat in shock. But she wasn't even done yet. "You see, they were...wolves. So you also aren't completely human. You're also part wolf." As soon as she said that, I felt light – headed, and started to stagger a bit, and Willy quickly stood up as well, and held onto me before I could fall. My eyes closed, and I passed out.

When Sam wakes up...

I wake up to hear quiet mutterings coming from next to me. I look over to see that I'm sitting up on a few cushions downstairs on the small couch that we have, and I see the grandparents and my...what even are they anymore? They aren't my parents. But I then heard what they were saying: "I didn't think this would happen." "Why does she have those?" "They look cool!" I then feel something different about my head, and I reach up to feel in I have something on it, and instead of a hat or something like that I instead feel...ears. And I look down to see a wolf's tail coming out of my back. I gasp loudly and jump up, and everyone looks over at me. "What is this?! What happened to me?" Willy holds out a mirror that he grabbed from a nearby stand, and I carefully grab it, and look at me reflection, and I can't believe what I'm seeing: There are two wolf ear sticking out of my head, and the fur on them is the same color of my hair: A dark brown. I drop the mirror, and it shatters on the floor. I don't even bother to pick the pieces up, but instead look at the rest of them, who are all looking at me, and say to them "Does this mean...that I'm a...wolf?" Mrs. Bucket nods to me, and I start to back away. "That's why those things happened on the tour. Why I did what I did." Willy looks at me and slightly nods, and the rest look at me funny and I continue; "On the tour, I was doing things that weren't normal. When I got angry, I lashed out at some of the kids. I gave Mike a deep scratch, at almost hurt Veruca. I kept growling when people annoyed me, to get them to back off." Mrs. Bucket raised an eyebrow, and said "Well then. Those are definite wolf behaviors. I'm honestly surprised that you ears and tail hadn't come out earlier. I guess this just triggered them somehow."

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