Bucky threw the ball and it skimmed Sam's head, hitting Thor on the shoulder and heading towards Wanda. Bucky's hand sprang to his mouth, scared he was about to witness the young girl get knocked unconscious by his ball. He let out a shaky breath of relief as the ball stayed in the air, surrounded by red energy and Wanda used her power to protect herself. With some oddly bent fingers and a contorted wrist, the ball flew back at Bucky and hit him in the stomach, winding him.

" Hey newbie." Tony nodded as he stepped out of the facility. He looked over at the team and the back at her. "What's ya think so far?"

"Maybe a few of them are ok." She shrugged. "I'm not a fan of the captain."

Tony chortled. "You and me both. But as much as it pains me to say this, he's the best damn captain we'll ever have. He's a good guy, you can trust him."

"Do you?" Elodie asked, narrowing her eyes at him before tagging another drag from her significantly smaller cigarette."

Tony looked at her with serious eyes. He poured his heart into his next words. "With my life."

Before the conversation could get too deep, a motorcycle pulled up at the gates entrance. "Who's that?" Tony asked, nodding to the bike.

"That would be tonight's distraction." She smirked. She doubted the cigarette in the empty packet and walked over to the trash can, a few feet towards the entrance, close enough to hear Tony's next question.

"What happened to David?" The genuine asked, remembering her date from a few days ago.

"Nothing. We're going out tomorrow." She sent a wink to Stark and skipped over to the motorcycle. As she put her finger against the the scanner to allow the gates to open, she shouted back. "TONY!"

"Yeah?" He asked, not really caring what she had to say next.

"If Marcus calls, tell him I'm tutoring orphans or something."

And before he could reply she was already on the back of the bike and speeding away.


Wanda's deep green eyes were fixated on the game in front of her. Her now crinkled every now and again when she was about to lose. Her eyes would narrow when she knew she was winning. Her knuckles were almost white as she had a vice-like grip on the joy stick.

Elodie was brought out of her stare as Wanda's game started making loud noises. *DING DING DING DING DING* Suddenly a tall slender man ran on stage in a red body warmer and a blue cap and started talking excitedly through a microphone. "Ladies and gentleman our highest scorer setting the record to beat at 2:30pm is Gamer140." He pointed down at Wanda and everyone began clapping. "Her score so far is 1,666,680. Halfway to maximum points!"

There was another round of clapping and cheering and Wanda stood there blushing. The man came down from the stage and approached her with the microphone. "Hello miss, can I ask what you're name is?" He held the microphone quite far away but close enough that Wanda knew he was talking to her.

Wanda leaned forward to speak. Through the comm on her ear, Tony said "Kathy Adler."

"Kathy Adler." Wanda replied with a fake British accent, that was actually pretty good.

"Well it's fantastic to have you playing with us today, Kathy. Good luck!" The guy then gave her an awkward high five and began walking away.

Wanda gave Elodie a confident smile and she shook her head, of course she's winning, she's using all of the nerds as her own personal instructors. Poor people don't even know she's in their heads.


Upstairs in the small room the Avengers has previously found the two young boys, the owner of the game sat behind a set of computers. The computers showed various security camera angles from around the gaming floor. The owner tapped a few keys in the keyboard and the left screen showed the camera zooming in on a contestant. There on the screen was Wanda, playing her game. The owner then used the mouse to shifted the screen, zooming in on Elodie

Hey everyone!
Thanks so much for reading! I can't believe it's taken me so long to finally include a bit of Elodie's past. This memory was supposed to start of the entire story but I've had so much going on in school that all my ideas are jumbled up. I promise it'll get better haha xx

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