Meeting the Parents! Mei's love, Shinso!

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"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Bakugo yelled, punching his alarm clock and blasting it to bits. "Stupid thing."

The nitro-glycerin teen jumped out of his bed, scratching his neck and yawning. He dug through his drawer of clothes, and quickly donned his yuuei uniform, making sure his pants sagged naturally. He turned and walked out of his room, slamming the door behind him.

Bakugo strutted through the halls, looking at anyone else in the hall. He noticed that one extra with the ugly head....What was his name? Kool-Aid? Kenny?

"HEY, BASTARD!" Bakugo yelled, scaring the weird-looking boy.

"Y-Yeah?" The boy yelled, tapping his fingers in nervousness.


"Oh! Um, Uh...K-Koji Koda...." Koda quickly stammered.

"Oh, okay." Bakugo replied, walking past the boy.

Koda breathed a sigh in relief as he watch Bakugo continue walking, rubbing sweat from his forehead.

Katsuki had arrived at the hall with Classes 1-A and 1-B, when he saw an...Unexpected sight. Sero, that tape-using weirdo, was chatting up Reiko Yanagi from Class 1-B. Bakugo raised an eyebrow in surprise, and then sneered.


Bakugo continued to walk to Class 1-A, shooting a glare at Sero as he walked by the two. However, the boy didn't notice. Bakugo rolled his eyes as he headed inside the classroom, not noticing that the two had hugged.

Bakugo tossed his bad on the floor as he slouched in his desk. He simply placed his feet on his desk, and closed his eyes. He began to drift off, closing his eyes and beginning...To sleep...


The boy's eyes shot open, an instant scowl on his face. "WHO THE FU-oh, it's you."

Ibara Shiozaki stood in front of Bakugo with her arms folded and an analytical look in her eyes.

"...What are you doing here, Ibara?"

"Nothing, really." Shiozaki answered, a small smile creasing her lips. "I just wanted to come visit you."

Ibara leaned over Bakugo's desk and pecked his cheek. "Aren't you happy to see me?"

Bakugo grinned as he stood and wrapped his arms around Ibara's waist. "Yeah, I guess I am."

Bakugo glanced at the doorway and noticed Kirishima and Mina snickering at the interaction.

"SHUT UP, KIRISHIMA!" Bakugo snarled, leaping at his buddy with balled fists. The hardening boy simply stepped to the left as Bakugo flew past him.

"Chill out, Bakugo, I was just admiring you and your little girlfriend's interaction." Kirishima snickered. "Besides, me and Mina were about to do the same thing."

"Mhm!" Mina nodded, hugging Kirishima tight. She looked into the boy's eyes and whispered, "Me and my cute, manly man."

Mina and Kirishima kissed, and separated with smiles.

"You two are lame."

Kirishima, Mina, and Ibara turned to see Jiro and Kaminari enter the room. Jiro had a peeved look on her face while she and Denki held hands, and the electric-boy had a smile on his face.

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