Chapter One

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Previously In Into The Depths: "Hello everyone and welcome to the talk show! This is what you all have been waiting for! Here with us is the author himself of 'Into The Depth' an autobiography that's got us all questioning our existence and if it's all true! Welcome Laviticus Crane!"
   Laviticus smiled a small amount as he waved to the camera. "Hello. It's a pleasure to be here." He lied about that part. He didn't want to be here, but alas his therapist said it would be good for him to go, to quote on quote interact with strangers and be social. He had shivered at that part.

Mr. Smith grinned at that. "No Mr. Crane it's our pleasure to have you here! Thank you for coming." He grew a big smile on his face. Something about this man was unsettling. Something was off. He knew he had to hurry up to get through this interview and then leave as soon as possible before anything happened.

"Now Mr. Crane I'm personally a big fan of your books along with millions of others. What influenced you to write them?" John asked.
   "Well... um my therapist thought it would be a good idea for me to publish it. I just kind of always wrote about it in general... I also was told to keep a journal and it just turned into a book." Laviticus explained nervously.

  The other two nodded. The two reporters looked at each other eager for answers. They were like two hungry wolves ready to eat away at the prey they would catch. Ready to strike down on the weak or young. It was a kill or be killed world out there, the survival of the fittest.

  "Now then, Mr. Crane, a question that I'm sure all of us have been wondering." Mr. Sherlock leaned forward. "Is your books really an autobiography?"

  Laviticus stared at him and without a second thought or any kind of hesitation he answered.
His response was quite quick and very believable. He looked very serious and seemed to actually mean it, almost like he was offended.

  He could see how and why they would never believe it, the fact that it was an autobiography, it seemed so fictional that it seemed hard to believe. Heck even Laviticus would have a very difficult time believing it if he didn't experience it himself.

  "Well Mr. Crane, then can you explain to us yourself what exactly happened the night you were brought to the orphanage?" Mr. Sherlock asked sitting back, sipping his tea.

  "Yes... yes I can"

          -Flashback, it is told by Laviticus -

  When I was first brought to the orphanage by my mom, she gave me an amulet type necklace. At first, I didn't know what it was. I was only two at the time, hardly knew how to speak, I was always frightened with the world, and the people in it. At the time, this was very frightening for such a young child to be going through this situation. Although calm through it all, I could tell my mother was fearful of what was after us. No matter what my mother always put me first before anything even if it meant her life over mine.

  She stayed very calm for me throughout this entire traumatizing experience we went through. We went from a peaceful and happily life, to a broken, fear filled life in a matter of milliseconds. 

  When we arrived at the orphanage, my mother, had grown restless, she knew someone was waiting for us here and was going to protect me with their life. At the time I had no idea that they and my mother had already talked. She had warned them of the situations that was happening.

  I never knew what was going to happen. I didn't knew my mother was going to leave me behind. With her leaving me put much distrust in my heart and along with all the hard things I went through.

  With people always wanting to kill me. I never knew who was good or who was bad. I learned to trust certain people, for instance, the head master of the orphanage and an orphan who had been there most of his life.

But enough of that. It took me a while to get used to being there at the orphanage and I was woken up every morning by the headmaster and was reminded to never ever go to the water the ocean. I never understood it even though I already feared it.  He just never wanted me to go to the ocean.

  I would listen for the most part, but something was causing me to yearn to be in the ocean. I think the headmaster always knew that though. He could tell that I wanted to be in the water that I wanted to be like the other kids and be able to swim in the ocean. But sadly I wasn't allowed...

  Although me yearning to be in the water, I was never taught how to swim because of my fear of it and not being allowed in it or even near it.

  Around the time I was ten, I started to wander more towards the ocean. I started to go closer and closer to it. Until one day, I couldn't take it anymore. I needed the water, I needed the ocean and so at night I planned to escape outside and go to it.

  As risky as it was I had already made up my mind and I knew there was no changing it. So my escape plan went into motion. As soon as I knew everyone was asleep, I had gotten up and made my way out the window.

  I climbed down to the ground and made my way across the court yard. The time was getting closer for the sun to rise and it was beginning to lighten up outside. But I still made my way to the ocean. I walked towards the barrier that was keeping me from going out to the waters.

  Now I had learned that this barrier was present when I was five. I had learned it keeper the beings from going in and if they were inside it would trap them, in a cage like force, keeping them from going anywhere.

  I made my way to the barrier and stopped suddenly. I was beginning to rethink my decision. I was starting to feel terrified that I would get entangled in the seaweed again. I wasn't sure what I was going to do. So I looked back at the orphanage scanning it silently and I knew that if I didn't go to the water I would have no other chance to be able to do so and I would regret not going to it.

  So I crossed the barrier it sealed behind be but alerted the Headmaster that I head gone passed the barrier, that was trapping me inside. That was keeping me from the water that I feared but yet desired. Absentmindedly I had walked onto the dock staring at the water before. I felt satisfied, as if not going in the water but on the dock was enough for my desires.

  I no longer needed to be in the water; I knew of the consequences I would be facing if I had gone into the water. I wouldn't have survived. I also knew that if the headmaster had found out I was by the water I would have some kind of punishment.

  So having satisfied my yearning to at least be near the water I went to turn to walk away, but an invisible force shoved me....

And I tumbled....
And fell into the water....
I felt myself sink...
I felt my world start to go black as I struggled for air...
As I tried to breath and go back to the surface I had fallen from...
But I wasn't able to.
I couldn't swim.

  My only thoughts at this point was is this how I perish from the world, is this how I die, and what I'm remembered as...?

The boy who went to the water and fell in and drowned....

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