Chapter 8

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                      ~The next day~
Twilly sat down for lunch in The Inn, occasionally talking to people who had heard the news, explaining to them, *yes*I am dating him,*no*he doesn't hurt me, that is a*very personal*question. As he carried on eating his lunch. Afterwards, he went back to his post and there stood Zorbak holding a small ball of black fur?, Twilly came over to investigate. Zorbak showed him what was a baby darkzard. "Isn't he cute, I found him orphaned over by my home. Can we keep him?" Zorbak asked. "Well he is orphaned and *is*kinda cute. Sure, what would his name be?" Twilly asked "I think his name should be Zorly, since its a combination of our names." Zorbak replied. "Ok but we should probably get some stuff from Aria's to make sure nobody thinks he's wild. Both moglins made their way down, holding each others hands as the blue one held a small, black ball of fluff. They quickly went inside and let go of each others hands. "Oh hello, what a surprise to see you two in here together." Aria said. "Hi so we found an orphaned zard, and we were wondering if you had some supplies and maybe a book or two on how to take care of it?" Twilly asked. "Why yes I do, it will be one hundred sixty gold." Aria responded. Zorbak handed Zorly to Twilly, and then pages Aria the gold as she bagged their stuff up. "Thank you please come again!" Aria said as she waved goodbye to the couple. Twilly went back to his post as Zorbak, and Zorly stayed with him and sat down near him for the rest of the day. Twilly then walked home and so did Zorbak, taking Zorly with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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