♠♥♦♣ The Vampyres Who Eat ♠♥♦♣

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The Vampyres Who Eat

Bei arrived in her fourth hour Drama class. She walked down the velvet blue carpeted aisle between the matching velvet blue seats in the auditorium. She came to a row farthest from the humans that were necessary and close enough to the stage that was possible. She took out her cell phone and began text messaging her secret husband and her SaolToal.

Bei: Hi, honey. I am in Theatre right now and so far the humans here seem so drab! How is AP Science treating you?

Toal: Hey, babe! Science is alright so far, the same old boring subject, same old boring teacher, nothing new here. Are you excited? This is your first time taking Drama in our whole school history. How is grade eight treating you?

Bei: I guess it is okay. I got to go, the teacher had just arrived. I love you and see you at lunch.

Toal: Yeah, I'll see you there. I love you more! Have fun!

Bei placed her cell phone in her purse and turned her attention to the teacher who stood on the stage. Seconds before the bell ranged, someone took a seat directly beside her, and the sweetest scent she had ever smelt hit her nostrils. Bei turned her head and saw one of her kind. Surprise, fear, and anger hit her like a rock slide. She closed her eyes tightly and pushed a calming wave towards the girl with all her might.

The girl looked up at her suddenly, her amethyst colored eyes full of shock. Yolande stared down at Bei, her emotions going haywire.

"My name is Orlaith Dempsey, you may call me Orla." The teacher began speaking, her voice low and soft.

"Good morning, Orla." Yolande sang along with the rest of her classmates.

Bei stiffened suddenly and Yolande looked at her in confusion. Is she afraid of me? she thought to herself as she frantically searched through the girl's thoughts but came across nothing but surprise and joy. Yolande stared at her, even more, confused than before. How can she be happy meeting another vampire in her territory?

"Honora Gallagher," said Orla. "Please come up and introduce yourself to the class and explain what you would like to experience or gain from taking this course."

A shy, grade seven girls with short dirty blonde hair and green eyes stood up and shuffled out of her row and down the aisle towards the lit stage. She came to a stop beside Orla who stepped back and let her have front and center stage. The girl turned towards her classmates, a slight flush coloring her petite face.

"Hi." she began softly, shyly. "My name is Honora Máire Gallagher and I'm seventeen years old. The things I want to experience in taking this course is the passion behind the characters in the plays."

Honora flushed a darker red and hurried off the stage amidst the light applause. Yolande applauded along with the other students.

"Do you know me?" she asked suddenly in a voice so low that the humans closest to them didn't even hear a word. "I mean, what I am?"

Bei nodded her head slowly, feeling the girl's uncertainty. She turned completely around in her seat, her azure eyes full of curiosity and excitement. Bei smiled at the other girl hesitantly and she smiled back at her just as hesitant.

♠♥♦♣ The Saol Chronicles ♠♥♦♣ Volume 3 ♠♥♦♣ Croí A Fhógairt ♠♥♦♣Where stories live. Discover now