Chapter 2 - Violet POV

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     Ok, this is horrifically awesome. I mean, I can kill now, but my friends are probably dead. I didn't bring much in rush to find Asher. He always talked about how he could survive an apocalypse like this. He also said he had a "Team" planned out to make it through an apocalypse.

     I bring out the glaive I have sheathed. I raise an eyebrow at Asher, silently asking if he was fine with my weapon. "OK, that should do for now. Timber, what did you bring in your bag?" Ash asks.

     "Not much, just clothes, hygiene necessities, and the pistol you gave me." Timber replies, while raising the pistol. "Give me the gun, I'm going to attach a silencer to it." Timber hands a gun and I'm impressed when I hear it just snap on to the Pistol.

    "I placed a pretty strong magnet on the silencer. You won't need to worry about anything hearing you shoot anymore." Ash says while handing the gun back to Timber. "Take some of these cartridges, I'll teach you how to reload."

     While this happens I notice a walker approaching somewhere behind Timber. "Timber, move!" I shout as I position myself to cut the zombies head off, but Ash already had his bow drawn and an arrow nocked.

     I watch the arrow shoot through the air and a split second later, the walker had an arrow in its head. "As- Two, that was fast." I state with my eyes wide. Ash's eyes were expressionless while I contemplated on what I just saw.

     "Come on, let's go to the market, we'll find Camron there." Ash tells us and starts walking to the market. "May I ask why Camron will be there, and what he looks like?" I tell Asher. "Do you want the full details, or do you want me to keep it simple?" He replies.

     "Well, we're going to look for him so I'd rather you tell us" I gesture to Timber and me " -the full details." I shoot back.

     "His skin is tanned, he's six feet and seven inches tall. He has a wide face with a round chin, a medium nose, small ears, smooth cheeks, and thin lips. His grey eyes are prominent, and he has tapered eyebrows. His brown hair is messy and has a streak of red. He will be wearing an orange hoodie." Asher says.

     "Should be easy enough to find." I say. We were near the streets of the Mall when we saw a lot of walkers, near the entrances. I did a head count and counted thirty-six walkers in total. "Twelve zombies for each of us." I tell them, grinning.

     "Consider this training, the last one to kill their share of walkers and make it into the market has no hygiene tonight!" Asher yells running towards some walkers with knives in his hands. "Good luck Timber!" I say.

     I hold my glaive and separate it into two parts. Ash wasn't the only one with a good weapon. I    hold my now short swords and walk towards a walker. Okay, one walker is way too slow. I cut off its head and start running to a group of three zombies.

     I stab the first one that notices me in the head, and I run in the middle of the other two and I raise the swords into a position to cut off their heads. Damn, this was satisfying. Timber probably has it easy, with just a ranged weapon she can use from afar and nobody would hear.

     I sprint to a group of eight for more of a challenge and to complete my share. I cut off the arms and legs of three walkers, cut the head off one, and stab the rest in the heart. The only ones that didn't die were the three walkers. They'll bleed out, I think.

     Running to the entrance I hum the song young dumb and broke, by Khalid. I saw Asher and Timber inside. "You're gonna have to smell for tonight." Asher states and Timber laughs at my embarrassment as I shoot back in an annoyed tone, "Well, both of you have ranged weapons.".

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