Chapter 2- A Search For Answers

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Milla's parents filed for a divorce that same day. Their poor daughter cried in the back of the room as they both signed the papers. She knew what she had done could be reversed if she repainted the hearts but in mixed thoughts she wondered, "How could you control a power that you can't understand? Unless..." her heart quickened. Perhaps she could not save her parents marrige, but could save the feelings of many people to come. "If I learn to control this, I can learn to stop these dreams!" And with that final thought she knew what she had to do.

The library hallways were dark in the evenings, much darker then Milla had imagined them to be. But, she couldn't let that worry her, she needed to find a book. Determined to stop causing any more dramatic flairs of peoples feelings, she searched for any book that might give her a clue on how to control her "power". Much time passed as Milla searched the non-fiction section but, after 2 hours and only half of the rows of books scanned over, she lost hope. She turned to leave the library with a sigh when a glare off of a screen caught her eye. "Of course! How could i be so stupid?! The computers have been here this entire time!" And with a chuckle she sat herself down infront of a newer looking one. She caught her breath for a second and properly looked around the old library. Towers and towers of shelves made out of a dark timber housed many old and new books. In the middle of the room a long wooden desk ran through the center, about the size for 20 people to sit at, and in the corner of the room, about 20 computer desks ran in 4 rows placed beside the front desk at which the librarian sat. "It is quite a beautiful place, but, no more distractions," and she began searching for anything to do with remoulding peoples feelings.

This time she found what she was looking for within 2 minutes. And article titled "My Dreams Are Painted With The Feelings Of A thousand Stars"
She read:
"I always wondered what it was like to see each personallity that a person had depending on their mood, now that i have that ability i really wish that it would go away. I dream of people's hearts in a way which i can shape them and all the feelings they posess. I paint the hearts in every dream, each time using only one colour and i have found that they each do something different.
-Red is hate or anger.
-Pink is love.
-Orange is peace.
- Purple is anguish.
- Green is jealousy.
- Blue is sadness.
-Yellow is suicide.
Never paint a heart yellow. It will be the most horrific thing you have ever seen."

Milla had more answers then she had before, but not the one she was looking for. Then she saw a small add-on at the bottom of the page.

"This power is a sickness best controlled by learning to understand it. In your dreams sing a soft lullaby, make yourself fall asleep in the dream as well."

"Quite a peculiar way," she thought to herself. But, even with that said she tried it on the first night. When she woke up in the morning the house her mother and Milla had moved into was quiet, no sign of any feelings being tampered with. That's when Milla remembered, well, actually she remembered nothing. There was no painting the night before.. the lullaby worked. And it worked every day afterwards as long as she remembered to hum the song to herself.

Milla never painted a heart for the next 6 years of her life. But, on her 19th birthday everything would soon change, men always did have a habit of interupting good things in Milla's life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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