Ice Hearts

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Shawn's POV

As a teenager, ice hockey was a big part of my life. I played it for about three years. When I first started I was horrible. I dreaded coming to training each week. I was the weak link in the team and it would make me upset that no one would pass to me. But my Dad helped me practice and I got really good. That was when I started loving it. And I still do. I enjoy it so much. I feel so free when I am skating. And no better to share it with than my amazing girlfriend of the best three years of my life, (y/n). I decided to take her on a date to my home ice skating rink. I call her.

Ring ring ring

After three rings she picks up. I can't see her but I can hear her smiling.

"Hey babe what's up?" Her voice fills me with joy. On the rainiest days and darkest hours, her voice heals me. And when I am happy, her voice just makes me over the moon. I am so in, love with her and I am going to marry her one day. 

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about you," I say chuckling. She reciprocates my laugh.

"Okay, I'll bite," She says 

"Well, I was thinking about you today, and that we haven't been on a date in a while," I tease her.

"I like the way you think Shawn Peter Raul Mendes," She replies. Again, I can hear her smile. 

"Well, I want you to meet me at the ice rink in 30 minutes," 

"Okay well you better hang up if you want me to be on time," She is teasing me back. Serves me right I guess. 

"Do I have to?" As I said, I love her voice.

"Yes now goodbye Shawn. I will see you soon,"

"Bye my beautiful girl," I say

"Mwah," She makes a kiss noise before hanging up. Right, now I need to go and buy some flowers and call the ice rink. 

30 minutes later...

(Y/n) POV

I arrive at the ice rink right on time but alarm bells go off in my head. I don't see Shawn. Who am I kidding, he is probably planning a big surprise or something. God Shawn is so amazing. He goes out of his way so much for me. I wish I could repay him in some way. 

I look around and I see finally see him. He is skating towards me with a bunch of flowers in his hands. 

I walk over him and he gets off the ice. 

"Hey baby girl," He says and I immediately start smiling. 


"These are for you," He hands me the flowers. They are my favourite type. Light yellow roses.

 "Awe Shawn they are beautiful. Thank you," I say.

I lean in and give him a kiss. When our lips meet butterflies explode in my stomach and my heart races a million miles an hour. Whenever Shawn and I kiss, the sparks that erupt are exactly the same as our first kiss, even after three years. When we pull away, my lips feel tingly where his just were. 

Shawn laces his fingers in mine and we walk over to the cash register to pay. 

"One please, for my girl," Shawn says with a smile on his face. I know he loves calling me that and I love being called it. I am proud to call him mine. But I do have an objection.
"No Shawn I'll pay," I said insistently. 

"No (y/n), you won't. Please, I am paying," He says tenderly. I can't help but smile.

"Okay. But I am buying drinks," I know he doesn't mind paying for things, but I feel bad. 

Shawn Mendes x Reader ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now