Consort Rong was in her late thirties now, but her beauty has yet to fade. With skin like jade, her dark hair and straight brows became even more vibrant and lovely. Her narrow eyes framed in dark lashes looked seductive even when she wasn't trying, and her straight nose bridge made her look a bit arrogant, but coupled with her full rose red lips made her into the perfect temptress.

"Does mufei2 like this tea." Jun Qi Dishi asked with a smile.

"How could I not?" She replied with an appreciative curve of her lips. "The fragrance is mellow yet fills my senses. Mufei is sure even the Empress would be envious."

"Son is glad." Jun Qi Dishi was such a gentleman. His looks were not only refined and graceful, but his speech, mannerism, and aura could give any girl a faint heart. "It's from Jiang Mo, son will find you some more if you like it so much."

The Qin player in the corner almost lost her rhythm as she heard those words. Even the dead could tell you that Jiang Mo and Jun Qi were long time enemies, never seeing eye to eye and always looking for a chance to obliterate the other. It had been decades of strife, so how in the world did Second Prince get his hands on Jiang Mo's signature honey chrysanthemum tea?

Jun Qi Dishi turned around and smiled kindly at the girl. She paled and mistakenly pulled one of the strings too hard, effectively breaking it and cutting herself. The pain woke her from her fear induced state and she immediately kowtowed and begged for her life. "This servant heard nothing! This servant won't say anything! Second prince and Niang Niang3 have always treated nubi kindly, nubi will not speak what she does not know!"

Consort Rong waved her hand and black clad men seemed to materialize from thin air. Pleas of mercy turned to cries of pain, then silence. "Why did you let her hear? Mufei liked her Qin skills."

Jun Qi Dishi laughed charmingly and set his cup down. "Son will find you another Qin player. She is Fifth Brother's spy, a lover he promised a place in his harem."

Consort Rong's features twisted into a sneer. "That vulgar boy. As tactless and unrefined as his mother." Jun Qi Dishi only smiled and sampled a snowflake cake, also from Jiang Mo. "Are you sure they'll attend?" The Consort asked. Her voice was still light, but her tone was serious and troubled.

"Mufei does not go to court and so does not know an official's heart." Whether or not the invite was deliberately sent that way, or it was switched to draw a certain someone out is irrelevant. No official would take the risk of refusing and incurring the Emperor's wrath.

She sighed and patted Jun Qi Dishi's hand. "Mufei will trust you then. But how did you know of Xie Ran's daughter?"

The prince only grinned.


Xie Lien

With the kind of war zone mother grew up in, I often wonder how she can still be so compassionate. All young girls are invited to the banquet, but that didn't mean all young girls would attend.

Most wives would spite the concubines and keep them in the residence with their children in order to keep their legitimate children from being outshone in any way. Mother is different though, and I respect her for that.

Two days before the banquet, mother went out and bought bolts of fabrics for our residence's daughters and asked them to pick the ones they liked. As the legitimate child, I picked before my sisters arrived at mother's courtyard. I picked a simple but stylish lilac colored chiffon material with embroidered white roses.

Xie Bo picked a blue silk with silver embroidery of rising waves, and Xie Diu took the baby pink silk with green tassels.

After they thanked mother and left, I glared at their retreating figures. At least, Xie Bo is a greedy little thing so I knew she appreciated the fine silk, but Xie Diu is simply a piece of shit. Whenever mother bought fabrics or anything for the ladies of the house, Xie Diu would eye it reluctantly and accept like it was forced on her.

I would never discriminate her for her birth. But let's face it, she's a concubine born child and her maternal family are sixth rank officials. I'm sure if it were grandmother, she would have caged Xie Diu and Xie Bo till it was time to sell them off in marriage, and not actually dress them in fine silks to attend a royal banquet. I couldn't help but hate her more every time she looked at the clothes then mother like mother had too much time and money to waste.

"Lien'Er don't glare like that. Someone will think you wanted to kill." Mother teased and poked my brow.

"Why aren't you angry? If I were you, I'd lock her in the ancestral hall while everyone else went to the banquet." I spoke honestly. For me whose mother ran off with a songwriter when I was thirteen, I dearly love and appreciate Cai Yi Yi, so no one can blame me for being a little overprotective.

"Lien'Er you need to learn delayed gratification." Mother said and continued her embroidery. "Do you know why mother called you to pick your fabrics before they arrived?" I shook my head. "No one but your father, brother and I know you're attending the banquet." My eyes widened at how ruthless my mother can be. My sisters love going to banquets when I didn't because it made them feel above the main daughter. When they returned, they'd gush about the beautiful palace, delicious food, and handsome princes.

I didn't care for all those things, for me only three things matter apart from family; food, novels, and sleep. "I'm not pleased that you're going to this banquet, but I never get tired of frustrating those women." Mother cupped my cheek and looked at me lovingly. "I want their daughters to look as beautiful as flowers when you trample them."

...Mother is different, and I respect her for that, but she's still a woman with a jealous heart.


Wei Yuan rode his dark brown stallion besides his master's carriage. His calloused finger lightly tapped on the frame of the window, and his master lifted the curtain.

In the dead of the night, no face could be seen inside the carriage, only the hand holding up the curtain and the gleam of armor in the moonlight. "We've reached the capital's gate my Lord." Wei Yuan reported. The figure held out a white jade tally with a green jade dragon with ruby eyes protectively wrapped around it. The tally was no larger than two baby fists, but many knew the significance of this piece. The fact the man in the carriage handed it to Wei Yuan spoke volumes of how much Wei Yuan was trusted.

He lowered his head in respect and rode ahead to present the pendant to the guards. Their captain, who had been feeling very apprehensive ever since the large battalion came over the horizon, immediately fell to his knees before the black and gold carriage. His men didn't know who sat in the carriage, but receiving his wrath was not a good way to find out. They knelt and the gates were opened.

Wei Yuan took insult for his master. Had the Emperor not ordered them to travel day and night, they would all be well rested and receiving a welcoming parade in the afternoon of the next day. When he reported the Emperor's orders back at the border, his master only smiled, sipped his wine and said; "My return will overshadow Imperial Grandmother's birthday, this prince has been unfilial for years. This is the least that can be done."

Wei Yuan knew that his master also knew his majesty was simply being harsh with them, but since the master did not react, then he would not either.

Contrary to custom, the master had his men go to the barracks, then went on horseback to the palace with only Wei Yuan by his side.

The guards had been informed of this prince's return, so when a stallion black as ink came into view, carrying a man in armored robes of black and gold, they immediately opened the gates with no questions asked.

Wei Yuan was again disgusted by this lackluster welcoming but kept his mouth shut. The palace was silent as a grave, and the two waited a good hour before an old Eunuch came to get them. The subordinate was forced to wait while the master went in.

The eunuch allowed him into the imperial study, and this great general knelt and cupped his fist to his father, Jun Qi Ming. The Emperor eyed the man before him, giving nothing away but feeling rather strange in his heart. "Stand up, Jun Qi Fai."

1: foolishly hurting yourself
2: consort mother
3: Niang Niang is a suffix only used when referring to the empress or imperial consorts

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