Chapter 2

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"So, How was your date last night?" Sarah asked Erica as we were at her locker.

"Amazing, Kurt is so Mc-Yummy. We went out for dinner, then we went to go see Super Dead 4. It was...perfect." Erica grinned.

Me and Sarah exchanged a look.

"Do you mean regular date perfect..."

"Or vampire date perfect?" I finished for Sarah.

"You know I don't bite and tell." Erica flashed us her fangs before walking off.

"Alright, we're gonna have to figure out if Erica had too much fun on her date." I huffed, looking at Sarah.

"I know and I so don't want to." She huffed.

"Do any of us." I laughed.

We walked further down the hall heading towards class. As we turned the corner, we spotted a hilarious sight.

"Space theme huh? I would go guessed Spider-Man." Sarah pointed to Ethan's boxer briefs.

I couldn't help the laughter as I leaned against Rory for support. Ethan gave an embarrassed look as he tugged his pants up and ran away.


I was sat with my geeks during lunch while Ethan looked through an old yearbook to find some ghost dude, who's apparently the one who pulled down his pants this morning.

"Here He is! Couch Ed, says he was the gym teacher here 30 years ago." Ethan said, pointing to the dude.

"He's ancient." Rory added.

"Is he here right now?" Benny whispered.

Suddenly, Benny's sandwich was flying across the room. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes. Jerk!" Benny shouted, looking around.

"Okay, you got pantsed this morning, and you just lost your lunch, someone let me high five this ghost dude." I laughed.

After a few seconds of silence, Ethan's face turned bright red.

"No she is not my girlfriend! Just my best friend." Ethan continued to blush.

"Anyway, there must be some way to stop him, or get him to move on." Ethan said.


I was walking down the hall when I saw Rory at Ethan's locker. I turned and saw that Ethan was jammed into the locker.

"Wow." I laughed.

"Coach jammed you in good!" Rory shouted, trying to wedge Ethan out. "I may have to dislocate one of your shoulders to get you out, is that okay?" Rory asked.

"No!" Ethan answered.

Benny looked around awkwardly as I shoved Rory to the side and yanked Ethan out myself.

"Come on Benny. Aren't there any spells that get rid of ghosts?" Ethan begged.

Ethan turned around, probably to talk to the ghost.

"What is your deal? Is it all about that dumb trophy?" Ethan asked.

Ethan took a step back, suddenly afraid.

"Me? Win a trophy? For sports? No way, not in a million years." Ethan chuckled.

Suddenly, Ethan's pants dropped again. I let out small giggles as Ethan tugged up his pants once again.


Me and Sarah left the school and spotted Ethan.

"Congrats on keeping your pants on." Sarah teased.

Old Friend//Ethan MorganWhere stories live. Discover now