lmao this momo challenge.

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This is gonna be a pain in the ass to finish

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This is gonna be a pain in the ass to finish. 👌👌

Its fukin 10:05 here.

Aight I got some explaining to do with the title. Yesterday, in the news, a 11 year old kid was linked to a game called "Momo Challenge".
It's basically like the Blue Whale game, the cause was drug overdose. It can be played on Whatsapp I think?

[ I have the app, I just use it to talk to my dad ]

[ I also have a step dad but that doesn't matter rn. ]

The 11 year old committed suicide because the game told them to do. Death is the only way to win the game. It got announced through out the Philippines [ My country ] and in my school since morning. If you don't know how the game works its like the Blue Whale Challenge.

Now let me explain you the Blue Whale game. It's a game that originated from Russia [ I think? ] on a website. Its about administrator and player, the game spans about 50 days. Once you enter, there's no turning back. If you do, they already have all your information.

You have to do a set of tasks, usually the first tasks are easy. You are fiven one task each day, the first are just weird like "Wake up at 4:30." and "Watch a horror movie.".
The tasks vary but these are just examples, every task is not the same for every player.

Now the shit gets creepier.

The tasks are usually self harm like cut a symbol in your wrist and cut a blue whale in your left leg. You have to take pics and show it to the admin, if you don't, remember they have your information and will threaten you.

You can't fool the admin too.

Basically you have to do lots of self harm and other weird tasks, in the end you kill yourself.

This is how I explain this game, but Wikipedia explains it better. Its like the Momo Challenge. But I don't know much about it unlike the Blue Whale Challenge.

Mk that's it. Imma continue my artwork now for my MAPEH.

But in all seriousness, please don't play any games like that. Even if you want something amusing to do. Everyone please be careful..

Just please, don't search it or play anything related to it.

Ripped Pages| Artbook 💎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora