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The club was pretty full for a Thursday night, but the local favorite behind the piano always seemed to fill the seats no matter what day it was. Sean was in town for business and found some time to catch up with friends during his travels. He and the group he was with sat in a crescent shaped booth that was tucked off to the side slightly away from the main entertainment. He could see the floor in front of the stage was getting more and more full of fans of the piano man who was set to start within minutes. Sean basked in the comfort of being around friends and laughter.

The waitress brought the group their drinks. Sean tipped the lady and added his signature wink. The waitress blushed and walked away with a smile. The group of friends continued to catch up on the time that had passed since they last saw each other and reminisced about the good old days.

They were so caught up in their conversation that Sean didn't even notice the entertainment had started to play. He was just happy to be surrounded by friends and familiarity at that moment.

Sally sat off to the side of the stage with a few of her friends waiting for Jonathan to start playing. He was sitting at her table talking quietly in his wife's ear and Sally smiled at the caring gesture.

"I'm so glad you came tonight. Are you going to join me on stage?" he asked Sally.

"I don't know. This is your show now," she said waving her hand around to signify the people came to see him and not her.

"Oh come on. For old time's sake?" he asked grasping his hands up in front of Sally's face acting as though he was about to beg.

"Come on Sally. You two sound so good together," Elizabeth, Jonathan's wife, said with a smile.

"We'll see," Sally said and nudged Jonathan towards the stage. "Now get on up there. You're wanted."

Jonathan obeyed and went up on stage. Most people in front of the stage hushed. The others in the booths that framed the club continued chatting and enjoying their time. It was common in a club setting.

Jonathan started playing and singing his heart out and Sally felt herself get goosebumps. She missed performing in front of others. It was her one great passion. She didn't mind what she was doing now; providing guidance and lessons to those who shared her passion of performing for others. She envied Jonathan and his ability to prevail in the industry. He wasn't famous or had a platinum record by any means, but he embraced his passion. Sally questioned where her passion fell short.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for coming out tonight. Some of you have been fans of mine for quite some time and may remember me singing in a duet," Jonathan said into the microphone and several people clapped indicating they remembered that time.

"Well, if you will all join me in the warm welcome of the return of Miss Sally Cain up to the stage. Come on people let's give her a round of applause for encouragement. Get up here Sally," Jonathan said gesturing toward Sally who sat in her seat in shock.

She felt Elizabeth nudge her slightly and Sally reluctantly stood up and more people clapped. She walked up on stage and sat on a stool that sat next to the piano. She grabbed the microphone in front of her and glared over at Jonathan, who had a huge smile on his face.

"Thank you," she said quietly into the microphone.

The crowd quieted their clapping and waited for the next song to start.

"Well, Jonathan, should we do an oldie but a goodie?" she asked looking over at him.

Jonathan knew immediately what she was indicating and started to play "Blackbird" by the Beatles and the people who recognized it right away started to clap. It was a fan favorite back in the day. Soon Sally's sweet voice filled the room as she sang the lyrics to a song she came to love.

In My Life (A Norman Reedus Story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum