"Just think about how much she's sacrificing. She's young and carrying your child while working her ass off in the nursing field. Once you realize that you've got a good girl that cares about you, nobody else will matter. The moment you see your kid for the first time and hold them in your arms, you'll feel the connection. You'll feel proud. You two need to talk and get all sappy like Lani and I did. Communication is the key bro." I say ending my advice after that.

Hawk is lucky. He only fucked up once and Audrey was kind enough to take him back. I on the other hand kept messing up over and over, but Lani was so forgiving to hear me out and let me prove to her that I changed. Now that he has a second chance, he has to prove that he really wants the relationship.

Also, the fathering part isn't that scary. It sounds like it would be, but soon as you see the love of your life bring your kid into the world and you can now hold them and love them, everything changes from that moment on. Parenting is a task, but doing it with your other half makes it easy. It makes life better.

Just sitting here thinking about it makes me want to go home to my girls. I'm about to call it in with the guys and head out.

"The light skin Dr. Phil has spoken." Hy says snapping his fingers like he's at a poetry event.

"That made me feel better..." Hawk nods. "Plus your soft voice is soothing."

I narrow my eyes at his last comment before standing up to my feet to go. This guy can never be serious.

"All I need to do is vent to my girl. I love her so I should act like it. I want this baby so I should act like it." He says aloud.

"Problem solved." I say.

LaMar looks over at me and grins. "About to go love doctor?"

I laugh, "Yeah, I'm in my feelings now so I want to go spend sometime with my girls."

I remind the crew about the tuxedo fittings tomorrow morning around nine before heading to the door. My wedding day is slowly approaching and I'm ready. Everything is just about planned out besides Lani not knowing what type of wedding dress she wants. I told her we don't have a budget so go crazy.

Before I could dart out the door, the topic that I e been avoiding pops up.

"Yeah, I have to be fly since I'm the best man." LaMar states cockily.

"You bald headed my nigga, nobody wants you as the best man. That's my position." Hawk says.

Hy clears his throat loudly chiming in. "I think I'm the best looking so that makes me the best man. Yo A, tell them."

Scratching the back of my head, I open up the door before speaking. All eyes are on me now and I open my mouth being speechless for a second.

"LaMar is my best man. You two are the understudies." I make known quickly while throwing up the peace sign.

Everyone starts to speak at once causing a loud commotion. I exit and head to my car to go home. Once I'm in, I pull out my phone texting Lani.

Got in my feelings and now I'm coming home to you and my little one mama.

Wifey 💙: Great because I'm tired out. Ty has been having a diva moment being fussy and all this paper work has me drained. I look and feel like shit 😩

Let me see 👀 send a selfie.

The one attachment comes through and I smile looking at the flawless photo of Lani. She's fucking gorgeous.

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