1 - chilly

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- the next chapter will be longer I promise -

It was near freezing, so they went outside. Slazo day by the fireplace as Sorrow went to get some tea for the both of them.
"So how's it been in Australia?" Sorrow already knew the answer, as he and Slazo had been DMing each other constantly since Sorrow left.
"It's been nice, but I've missed you." Slazo said as he pecked the other on the lips.  Sorrow leant into him, resting against his shoulder as they sat. He could see an overcast sky and light snow outside. He and Slazo as the TV droned on. "...and nothing of value was lost. Next, experts predict the oncoming snowstorm to be one of the worst in New Jersey history. Here's  an interview from a retirement center with local man Gus McJohnson, on why he thinks this proves that global warming is caused by a government conspiracy to heighten vaccination rates and control your thoughts..."


Slazo woke up first, and enjoyed the moment of Sorrow resting against him. He looked out the window. The sky was a sickly yellowish-gray color. It's probably nothing, he thought, maybe it's normal for cold places.

The snow had turned into hail, and it was starting to get a bit louder as it hit the roof.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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