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I set my mind in a hot afternoon. Sweat dripping. Mouth dry from boredom and no words to spit.

I look to my right. My friend is busy with her phone.

should I say something

"It's really hot." I moved my hands across my face ephasizing as a fan. Silence continues. Well, okay guess she's busy. Maybe we could go around the campus promoting our booth? I placed my hand on the chair and supported my heavy ass up.

Why do I even bother talking to people? I don't socialize anyways that's no use. Let's NOT do that.

"The women's volleyball match will start in 5 minutes. Wild Ligers vs. White Pegasus." the Emcee announced.

I should just watch the match to get rid of these boredom. I ran up to our booth and took my chair. There was a good view just a few meters away from the booth to the court. I could see everyone playing.

And there you are. I feel quite nervous since I haven't seen you play volleyball.

"Who do you root for?" I turned my back and to my surprise my seatmate from History was behind me. "The one with that person." I pointed to you. I wanted to see you play. I wanted to root for you.

"Nice choice, I heard that it's like she controls the volleyball someway. She's really good" She explained. I smiled back.

It was time for you guys to stay at the side and say good luck to all the other players. You looked very excited, I guess you could feel my piercing stare, that you looked at me and smiled.

good that you're feeling alright

The whistle has blown.

Your team served first. You were doing so well. Until your members had to serve and spike. I can tell you were a bit pissed by your members for missing the ball so much, but you just smiled. I like that.

Turns out we actually know each other. In my elementary years, you were neighbours with my friend and when he had a party, you were there, I guess that's why you looked so familiar.

I don't know what was it with you that makes me be so interested. You have great looks, you're tall, you're REALLY smart. By means smart, on the honors list.

I never remembered how I saw you and then started being curious about you. I mean I barely socialize with you, our eyes always seems to fall and find each other. Guess you find me familiar too?

Wherever I would go, you always would be somewhere close and I could feel the stare so deep I feel like I'm being burnt.

why would you stare at me like that

I guess I never noticed, that I was falling little by little for you. It always made my heart leap, when we would lock eyes and we just space out in each others eyes. I wish I could say something, a word or just a sentence. To see why you do that? Why I do that? And why we are so interested and curious.

You always seemed to cross my mind. It seems impossible to actually talk to you because you always looked tall and scary, and possibly, unapproachable.

I just wanted to ask this question-----


You were doing so well. Your members seemed to always space out and forget you guys are in a match.

sigh, I went back to our booth.

I hope you're okay

"Hey! Someone wants to get handcuffed with you!" My friend said. "No thanks" I insisted. "Come on! He paid for this." she demanded "fine." I gave up since he paid for it.

My friend took a long piece of cloth and told us to hold hands and placed a paper beneath it. "Don't make the paper fall or you will hold hands for another 5 minutes." We nodded.

I don't even know this guy. He probably doesn't know who I am either.

After my friend tied our hands together. They told us we should roam around the school WHILE HOLDING HANDS. Sheesh, this is gonna be a long walk.

I don't mind holding hands with other people, I don't have feeling for them anyways.

We walked around the school and there, there I spotted you. Crying, I knew it. A guy was behind you hugging you and caring for you. It broke my heart. But at least someone is caring for you. But I do, but I can't just bring myself to you.

I want you to be happy, even when it's not with me that's fine, you're the only person I put first before myself. Seeing you happy makes me happy, that's what Love is right?

But now I know someone cares for you. To whoever that guy is your lucky, don't hurt her. She's broken. Love her because I can't bring myself to.

It's time to move on. I've been stuck to you for a year now, it's time to move on.

Maybe in five years, our paths will cross again. I will tell you how desperately in love I was with you. And we can laugh about how we broke each other's heart.


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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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