The Storm Is Coming

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After they finished recording what they could of 'Another One Bites The Dust' Brian invited Roger over to his house to show him a song that he had been writing. He left the lyrics at his house and that is why he wanted Roger to come over.

"Hey Roger, wanna come over to my house, I want to show you some lyrics I've been working on." Brian told Roger

"Sure! I'd love to."

Brian and Roger left the studio.
"Bye guys." Brian waved at Freddie and John.
"Bye" Both Freddie and John said in unison.

Brian and Roger got both into each of their cars and drove over to Brian's house. When they arrived there it started raining lightly. It was a cold day. Brian got his keys out and opened the door, they went in.

"Take a seat on the couch, I'll go get the lyrics, I left them on my desk upstairs." Said Brian
"Alright" said Roger with a smile, as he waddled over to the couch and sat there.

Roger started to get into his thoughts once more. How will I tell Brian. Will he think that I'm weird? Maybe he won't want to be my friend anymore. Or maybe he will accept me just the way I am and he will love me too. Maybe. Or maybe not. It's so hard to know. How do you tell your best friend that you love him? It's a hard thing to do.

Roger got bored and started to look around the living room. Brian had a lot of books. Then Brian came trotting down the stairs.

"Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find the darn paper."

"It's alright. So, whatcha got there?"

"Oh, yeah." Brian went over and sat next to Roger to show him the paper. "I made this song for the sister I never had."

"Cool. What do you call this?"

"'Sail Away Sweet Sister'."

"I like it"

"Hey, how about we watch some television and order some pizza?"

"Sounds great!"

They turned on the television and the weather channel came on. It said that there was a big snow storm and that everyone should stay indoors until further notice.

"Well, guess we can't order pizza anymore" said Roger shrugging his shoulders.

"I can still make us some tea and biscuits if you want."

"Ok, tea and biscuits it is."

Brian went to the kitchen to prepare the snack and Roger looked out the window.
There was a lot of snow falling outside and there was some lightning because of a storm.

"I don't like this kind of weather" Roger muttered to himself.

Brian came back.

"Hey Rog, I think the snowstorm is only getting worse. Maybe you should stay here for the night."

"Yeah, maybe I should."

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