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Kazuto was in the kitchen make some toast along with some jam and peanut butter, he spread the peanut butter onto the toasted bread then added the ham. The jam slowly spread out on top of the peanut butter and soon enough started to drip on the sides. Asuna came down the stairs and noticed him drooling over his breakfast. She smiled and shook her head.

"What're you doing?" She asked already knowing the answer.

He snapped out of it and looked at Asuna. "Oh, I'm just getting ready to eat this beautiful creation." He held it up for her to see.

"That looks good, can I have a bite?" She walked over to him as he held a piece up to her, she took a bite and smiled. "It's good!"

He smiled. "Is Faith up? Is Kuroyukihime coming over?" He asked. "We should all go out for coffee."

Asuna smiled. "You mean Faith didn't tell you? She's going to the beach with Sora, Rylan, Carlos, and some other friends. She will be gone for the weekend.

He frowned. "Oh...."

Asuna put her arms around him and smiled. "It's going to be the two of us for the weekend."

"What about Hime?"

"She's going on vacation with Haru, she won't be back for a week!" She smiled.

"Haru huh? I haven't seen him in a long time..... I wonder how he's doing..." Kazuto put down his toast.

"Doesn't he work with you?" She asked a little confused.

"Yes but he normally work at home. He doesn't come into work which makes sense because he's one of our top testers on games and codes."

"I see, anyways Hime showed me a picture of him the other day and he's no longer fat! He's actually way more handsome and taller than Hime!"

"Really? Do you have a picture?" He asked excitedly.

She took out her phone and showed him a picture of him. He was almost out of the frame and had fluffy brown hair, his eyes were filled with kindness and love. Not to mention handsome.

"Dang, the kid has really grown up! I remember when he was dating Hime back in high school and he was half the size of her." He reacted in surprised manner.

"No kidding! Anyways they're going to the Bahamas for a week but they'll be back soon." She turned off her phone and put it in her pocket.

Kazuto looked sadly at the ground. Asuna noticed and tilted her head. "It's really over huh? Even though we didn't find anything useful about their full intentions but we saved Japan, China, and possibly the US. That's all that matters right?"

Asuna smiles and nodded. "And it's all thanks to Hime, Faith, and you..."

Kazuto raised an eyebrow. "You know you did something too. You saved Faiths life."

"Right but that's all I did, I didn't really do anything besides that."

Kazuto shook his head and hugged her. "You did more than enough. We have Faith in everyone, even when they don't play a big role in something we have Faith in them. We count on them for support and know Hime told me something the other days..... she said every role counts as one and when they come together it becomes successful. Maybe she was talking about our mission and how everything came together in the end because we all did our part."

Asuna nodded in agreement. "There's something else too. The doctor told us that the girls' powers are disbanded which means they can't use them anymore."

"Why not?" He asked concerningly.

"Hime never released her power at a young age so it never stuck with her and Faith used to much in one strike. The power is still within them but it's not strong enough to come out of the body."

"Which means they're still targets to people who've heard of their power.... and since they're normal girls again they are at more risk than ever." He said sadly.

She nodded her head. "Let's just hope nobody has heard of Serium-9 or whatever. We need to be aware at all times. Which is another assignment Hime have her team, they're going to be on the lookout for threats."

"That's good, what are we going to do in the meantime?" Kazuto asked.

She giggled. "I was thinking about helping out hospitals, patients who need urgent healing. Of course I'll have to do it secretly and while patients are asleep so they won't tell others about my ability."

"That's a good idea! I guess I'll go back and run the business.... without you..."

Asuna frowned and hit him in the chest. "Oh I'll be there, just watch me. I'll be splitting days between the company and the hospital so neither one feels left out."

He smiled. "Alright alright, you win. Anyways......" he smirked. "Should we go get some coffee?"

Asuna rolled her eyes and kissed him. "Why not."

Asuna and Kirito's Afterstory Vol 3 Where stories live. Discover now