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My name is Brooke-May James, and that's right I'm scottish, I was born in Edinburgh on 9th April 1996 but when I was two moved to Aberdeen for my dad's work. So far my life sounds pretty boring but when I was three I went to visit my grandparents in France and their next door neighbour played the violin my parents say I was drawn to it and so as soon as we got back home my mum arranged for me to have lessons, my teacher said that I had a talent but as I was Scottish and my dad was from Glasgow he wanted my to take up the bagpipes as well, so I did. As I started to go to school I joined the choir and the choir mistress asked me to start singing and piano lessons with her because she thought I was so talented, I guess you could say I have always had a passion for music.

But enough about my music you probably want something a bit more juicy, well. When I moved to Aberdeen I lived in a little cluster of houses outside the city, and guess who my neighbours were?! Jack and Finn Harries! The YouTube sensations! We were always really close, we saw each other all the time and even went to the same schools, they're like brothers to me. But enough about my background, let's get to the actual story now!

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