Clue #1

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We drive towards downtown where it was super crowded. We spot the boutique and the club right next to it.
"Am I the only one who's actually considering clubbing while we find this clue?" Roger randomly asks.
"No." We all say in unison. Alice and I blurt our laughing at the coincidence making Brian tag along as well.
"Right so it official. We get a few drinks, club, and then look for the clue." He says sinking back in his seat.
"You've got it backwards. If we get all riled up and drunk, we won't even care about the clue. We should look first." Brian suggests pulling into a parking spot.
"I agree. We won't manage to get anything done if we party first." I say getting out of the car. The London breeze hits my face making me shiver a bit.
We all rush into the club and show them our IDs. We find the bar and take a seat on the cushioned stools.
"Check your seats." Brian shouts over the loud music in the background. I place my hands on the cushion, feeling for a rip.
"Anyone?" I ask, raising my tone over the beat.
They all shake their heads no. I turn the opposite direction and glance at the other seats. That's when I see a young man sitting at a stool doing shots by himself, with a rip in his stool.
"Hey!" I say to the group pointing to the man and his stool. They all give me a look as they understood what I was pointing at.
Alice gets up form her spot and fluffs her curls. "I got this." He says walking over to the man with a seductive smirk on her face.
"What's she doing?" Brian shouts in my ear so I could hear him.
"She's seducing him." I laugh as I watch her approach the man.
Their voices are indirect but I see her putting her hands all over him as he grasps her hips. I see her hand travel down to the rip as her hand slips into it. I see her pull a piece of paper out as I did a little happy dance in my mind.
She whispers something in his ear than walks back towards us.
"That man was disgusting. Oh my, Brian are you alright? Your face is a bit red." She says placing her hand on his forehead.
"He's jealous. Now what's the clue!" I ask as she hands me the piece of paper.
"I am not jealous!" He snaps back as they all begin to crowd around me.
I slowly unfold the piece of paper to see an image show up. It was of a man and a woman holding each other in front of some sort of house I think.
"Who's that?" Roger questions.
"I'm guessing it's your dad and mom?" I say looking closer at the woman. "Hey wait...I've seen this picture before."
"Me too." Brian adds grabbing the photo from me and staring at it. "Yeah that's the picture in mum and dads room except the man isn't Michael. It's suppose to be dad." He says handing it back to me.
"Is there anything on the back?" Alice asks. I flip it over only to find a date.
"May 17th, 1945. That's a year before we were born." I say turning to Brian.
"And it's exactly 9 months away from our birth date." He points out.
"Maybe She was just pregnant with you two when that picture was taking." Alice assumes.
"Then why would my dad be in the picture?" Roger questions her theory, turning to her.
"Maybe it was photoshopped." I reckon, turning it back to the picture.
"You really think they had that great of photoshop back then?" Brian asks, drowning my prediction.
"Unless someone did it not to long ago." Roger adds turning to face a jealous Brian.
"Exactly. Maybe it was placed here a while ago. Maybe it was staged just for us." I estimate, looking back to the date again.
"Who's handwriting is that?" Alice asks pouting to the neat cursive.
"I don't know. It could be anyone's. Like one of your dads messengers." I say pointing to Roger.
"Maybe, or maybe it was from one of yours." He replies shrugging his shoulders.
"Okay that's it, I'm getting a beer." Brian says ordering a beer from the bartender.
"Hey get me one too." Roger pleads and before we knew it, we all had alcoholic beverages in our hands.


We were all dancing around having a good time as the alcohol kicked in. Roger grasped my waist as we swayed to the beat. I swang my hips as he rubbed his front against me.
We continued to dance dirty until we could stand anymore. Brian and Alice were even hitting it off on the dance floor.
We stopped and watched as my nerd brother swayed Alices hips to the rhythm. I let out a snort of laughter as they continued to dance in their drunk state.
"I've never seen him dance like that with a girl. Or with a girl period." I laugh. I feel Rogers hands slowly grab my waist as he laid his head on my shoulder, planting sweet kisses on my neck.
"Jesus Roger." I moan as he slowly sways me to the beat.
"Ohhh you taste so good babygirl." He coos into my ear.
I smile as he continues to kiss down my neck. I look around the club as people dance and make out in the corners. My eyes dart to a man standing in the middle of the dance floor wearing a black suit. I squint my eyes to get a better look. I gasp as I see Michael standing in the middle of the dance floor smiling at me. A group of people walk by, blocking my view. I move my head to find him but he's gone.
"Oh my god!" I shout pulling away from Roger. I cup my mouth as I spin in circles looking for Michael.
"What?! Is it something I did?" Roger asks holding me close to him, pulling me into a hug.
"I saw him..." I mutter.
"Saw who?"
"Michael..." he stops swaying and looks down at me.
"Are you sure?"
"I swear Roger oh my god I saw him on the dance floor then he just disappeared." I explain looking up to meet his eyes.
"I think it's time we go. Lets go fetch Brian and Alice." He suggests walking me towards my brother and Alice.
"Mates I think it's time we go. Sophie's has had enough for tonight." He explains as they stop to look at us in concern.
"Alright, lets go." Alice says as I continue to shake in Rogers arms.
We walk out of the club and enter Brian's car. Alice takes the front since I wanted to stay by Roger.
"What did you see?" Brian slurs, starting the car and pulling out of his spot.
"I saw...Michael..." I stutter, looking out the window in shock.
     "You what? Are you sure?" Alice asks turning around and looking at me with concern.
     "I know what I saw! Alright? I'm not crazy." I spat sitting back in my seat and staring out the window in frustration.
     They don't say anything after that, probably to stop me from exploding if they question my sighting.
     We arrive at the flat, dropping Roger and I off as Brian drives Alice home. I stomp up the stairs, almost falling over, and open the door in anger. I then race to my bed and slam the door.

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