Chapter 2

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"Why you never mention her to me before?" Soyeon obnoxious asking about my past relationship is making me more mad.

I'm already pissed that my car had a minor damage and she's still adding up to the irritation I feel.

"Since when do you care about the people I dated?" I ask.

"Well, before I never cared but this new girl is different" She said not even giving a damn about how irritated I am.

"What the hell makes it different?" I ask.

She leans on the hood of my car with her arms cross facing me.

"Well, you never dated those other people Eunjung. You just flirted with them for fun. You never dated them. It only took you less than 24-hours before you started feeling disgusted with their presence and chase them away with a broken heart but with this new girl, you lasted 3 months. That's what makes her different well aside from the fact that you gave a label to your relationship. It was clearer than crystal that she WAS your girlfriend." She explained and I can only sigh.

This is what I hate when I try to shut her up. She's doing exactly the opposite of it. If she wasn't my bestfriend I already knocked her out with my fist.

"What Jiyeon and I have was not worth sharing. It's better forgotten and buried to Earth's core" I said.

"You're just saying that because you're still bitter. Why did you broke up anyway?" She ask.

She will never stop so I better get outta here.

"How much longer before your Humanities class?" I ask.

"Uhm. Less than an hour...why?" She ask looking at her watch.

"Great. Now hold this" I said giving her my car keys.

"What for?" She ask giving me a confused look.

"My class will start within 15 minutes. My driver is coming to take this car back to my garage so just stay here and wait for him. You're the only person I trust in here so please" I said not letting her interject and immediately leave before she could say anything.

"Yah Hahm Eunjung! How dare you?!" She yelled.

I just laugh and started running away.

I stop when I'm already in front of the building but before I walk in....

I saw a familiar bike chained on the corner.

Tsk. Does she really thinks someone would get interested to steal a piece of crap like that?

Thinking about that reminds me of the first time we met.

It two years ago. I was only 18 when runaway home after accidentally hearing a news that is really hard for me to accept up until now. I was really mad that time that I was being immature and irrational that bravely sneak into a plane without having a second thought risking my own life or getting caught. Fortunately, sneaking in that plane was easy but unfortunately, I didn't know it was an international flight. Well, to make the story short. The plane took me to London where I first met Jiyeon.


I was wondering in a foreign land all by myself and full of regrets for two days now.

I never regret running away. I regret running away unplanned. I should've took my phone and some money with me.

Killing myself already crossed my mind several times. I thought about jumping off the bridge but then my resolve crumbles when I imagine myself drowning in a cold deep ocean and feel scared of it.

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