Episode 1

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The Red Woman

Alliser Thorne: You all know why you're here. Jon Snow is dead.

One of the Rangers: Who killed him? 

Alliser Thorne: I did. And Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck, and the other officers in this castle.

One of the Rangers: Murderers!

One of the Rangers: Traitors!

Alliser Thorne: Alright! We've committed treason, all of us! Jon Snow was my Lord Commander. I had no love for him, that was no secret. But I never once disobeyed an order. Loyalty is the foundation on which the Night's Watch is built and the Watch means everything to me. I have given my life - we've all given our lives - to the Night's Watch. Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. He led the wildlings through our gates as no Lord Commander has ever done before. He gave them the very lands on which they reaved and raped and murdered. Lord Commander Snow did what he thought was right, I've no doubt about that. And what he thought was right would have been the end of us. He thrust a terrible choice upon us and we made it.

Maester Wolken: Shall I have a grave dug for her, my lord? Or would you rather the men build a pyre?

Ramsay Bolton: Buried, burned. She's good meat. Feed her to the hounds.

Trystane Martell: I told you I'm not hungry.

Obara Sand: We're not here to feed you. We're here to kill you.

Nymeria Sand: You want her to do it? Or me?

Trystane Martell: We are family. I don't want to hurt you.

Nymeria Sand: Her or me?

Trystane Martell: You.

Nymeria Sand: Good.

Obara Sand: Smart boy.

Nymeria Sand: You're a greedy bitch, you know that?

Game of Thrones Season 6 QuotesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora