Big and Chunky

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Finally I could take a dip in the cold swamp. I've been swimming in it practically my whole life.  Gloria, sits in the middle of our Hippopotamus gal squad and starts to rant about Moto Moto.

"OH. MY. GOD.  I think Moto Moto is looking our way!"

ugh. Gloria drives me insane. She KNOWS I like Moto Moto and every time she sees him she practically sticks her underbelly out! He likes them big and chunky and Gloria certainly is the most voluptuous out of the squad.

Gloria looks at Moto Moto batting her eyelashes and then turns her head back toward me.

"Aaaah he's so muscular..... what do you think of Moto Moto, (y/n)?" 

"I think you're a hoe" is what I want to reply with, but instead I paste a big smile on my face and I say "he's pretty good looking."   Cassandra, turns to me and says "Woah (y/n)! Look out! I think Moto Moto likes you!"   My heart skipped a beat.. usually Moto Moto's attention is always on Gloria- but I see him rising out of the water!

Moto Moto swims over toward us, directly grinning at me. His eyebrows spring up, as do his bulky muscles. He licks his lips and glares straight at me. Am I getting turned on just by looking at him? Yes. I can't resist his glare! This is all so perfect-

"Hey Gloria" Moto Moto mutters. 

NO. NOT HER! This bitch doesn't deserve Moto Moto like I do. She would just cheat on him! I would be loyal to him.

"Hey Mr. Moto ;)" Gloria replies flirtatiously. "You ladies are looking fine today. I'm throwing a party with the boys at the swamp later tonight. You're welcome to come." All of the hippos stare at Gloria, waiting for her to reply. "We'll be there.. you should invite us to your shindigs more often. I promise we won't disappoint." Moto Moto smiles "Oh I know you won't"

i think i just threw up in my mouth. 

Moto Moto swam back to his friends and Gloria squeals about Moto Moto some more. I look over and I see Moto Moto wink toward me this time. 

I have a plan. I'm going to make him fall for me.

- Hey this is a note from the author. If you want to see what happens with you and Moto Moto at the party let me know! I'll most likely continue this series :) 

Moto Moto x Reader!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora