" Hey, Jing's the Queen. I'm a peasant." I told Lei as we started walking down the hallway together. Lei just smiled and shook his head.

  When we got there and ordered our food I could see Jing and the other three boys at the table waiting for us.

  " Sorry to keep you guys waiting." I smiled sheepishly. I sat in between Jing and Meizuo, eating my fried rice that I ordered. I saw Ah Si looking at something but since I was behind him, I couldn't get a clear view. I scrolled through my phone, checking on the latest news on Weibo when eyes caught a certain article. My eyes widened.

  " When did we give Qinghe the Joker Card?" I asked the group.

  " We didn't," Ximen sighed. " Your brother did." I looked to Ah Si who wasn't even paying attention.

  " I'm gonna kill him when we get home." I muttered. I saw another piece of news that said "Freshmen Chen Qinghe and Dong Shancai received the Joker Card, but are too afraid to accept the challenge. They're nothing but cowards."  Oh gosh, this is really gonna press Shancai's buttons. Speak of the devil, right then, I saw Shancai, along with Qinghe walk into the room carrying their lunch trays looking for a spot to sit. I also noticed my brother staring at them like a hawk. Four words, Not. Creepy. At. All.

  Shancai saw us sitting just a few tables away and she looked very uncomfortable. Ah Si started to get up from our table to make his way over to Shancai and Qinghe. Shancai saw this and quickly stood up with her lunch tray, causing her to crash into someone. Everyone at our table looked at Shancai who was knocked onto the ground. Oh god, more drama.

  The guy that Shancai crashed into did not look happy at all. " Are you blind?" he asked her. "Watch where you're going." Qinghe got up and started apologizing. " I'll let you go this time." the guy told the two. " You better watch it." Qinghe was going to help Shancai up, until my lovely brother started to get involved by pushing Qinghe back.

  Shancai looked up to Ah Si, " Being with Qinghe, makes you 100, 1 000, 10 000 times happier right?" he asked Shancai who was still on the ground. " So you must be really happy now."

  " Daoming Si. Why are you picking on us? Do you really enjoy doing that?" Shancai asked him.

  " I do." he replied. " It makes me so happy to see you fall on your face."

  " Shancai. You look like you love to eat all kinds of vegetables. No wonder you're called Shancai." Ah Si said as he pinched her cheek.  " Let go!" Shancai swatted my brothers hand off of her. " Shancai go ahead and hit me." he told her. That's it. I took that as my que to step in. I looked at Lei as we both stood up.

  " Daoming Si you're crossing the line." Qinghe told Ah Si. I went to my brother and pushed him off of Shancai and onto the ground. " Shancai are you okay?" I whispered to her.

  " Have you had enough?" I could her Lei say behind me. I helped Shancai stand up and put her between Lei and I. We started patting all of the food off of her. I could see Jing watching from behind us too, but I didn't worry about anything else at the moment.

  Lei and I quickly started ushering Shancai out of the room, until Ah Si grabbed onto Shancai's other arm.

  " Lei, Yue, do you guys know what you're doing?" Ah Si asked us.

  " Yes, very clearly." I told my idiot brother.

  " Ah Si, enough is enough." Lei told him. That's when they started playing tug of war with Shancai. I could tell that Shancai was getting hurt in the process too.

  " Don't tell me you like this crazy girl." Ah Si asked the two of us, but he was mostly directing the question to Lei.

  " Stop it." Lei said as he tugged Shancai closer to him. I could see, Jing, Ximen and Meizuo, and might I add the whole cafeteria was watching us fight over Shancai.

Never Be Alone | Feng Meizuo (METEOR GARDEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now