Sincerly Albus Dumbledore.

Supplies: [A/N don't the supplies for seventh so I just guessed]


-School Robes


-Potions Book

-Defense Againts the Dark Arts Book

-History of Magic Issued by the Ministry of Magic

-Transfiguration Book

-Book of Medicine and Healing

-Book of Monsters

-Deadly but Powerful: The Insight of the Most Powerful Wizard Race Ever Known By Sarah Gregorio & Book of Arabic Curses By Sarah Gregorio

"I'm so happy for but then again I"m also mad at you," Rida cooed. "Why are you happy at Gianna and mad at her the same time," Henry Vinichinski (Rida's husband) asked. Henry is a general in an army of the one the most powerful race of wizards out there. He is around his thirties like Rida, but has black hair and peircing green eyes. "Gigi here made it into Hogwarts, but trciked me," Rida huffed. "Well that's good news you got accepted to hogwarts, but try not to play tricks on Rida you know she doesn't know how to take a joke," Henry smirked. "Hey, instead of talking about my inability of to take a joke why don't we do something useful and help Gigi get ready to leave for Hogwarts," Rida grumbled. We agreeded and I headed up to my room to pack. I dragged out my Nike string bag and packed the important essentials for the train ride in there. Then dragged out my suitcase to pack that. With a flick of my wrist everything was packed. I then used a spell to shrink it and placed it in my string bag. I went downstairs put on hoodie and my black ankle high converse (the pair of converse that Will Smith wore in the movie in iRobot). I was all ready to go Diagon Alley to go school shopping.

"Gianna you can transport us to Diagon Alley," Henry stated. I nodded and we hooked arms and I apparated us to Diagon Alley. Before we appeared flames rippled where we landed and then the flames disappeared. "Gigi," Rida smiled, "Before your parents passed they left you a bank account at Gringots Bank. We will take you there then we will leave you we will meet you back at Gringots in three hours and we will take you take to the train station to go to Hogwarts." "Aight," I smiled, but internally I was a little upset that I never got to meet my real family. We all walked into Gringots Bank and went to my safe set up by my parents and took money out for me to get supplies for school and Hogsmeade trips. We walked out Gringots and they went into the opposite drirection then me. I headed to the bookstore first, then the robe place and boy were there robes hideous.

I went to the wand place and the bell chimed when I walked in. "Ahh hello miss are you in need of a wand fixing," the old guy asked. "Umm no I never gotten a wand," I stated matter of factly. "Ohh that's strange. Well then come let's test out some wands to find the right one for you," he answered shell shocked. He grabbed a wand it was blue and very dainty. I tried it out and I blew out his lights. He gave me another and the next to go was his windows. Another wand knocked down a few shelves. "I'm so sorry," I said trying to hold in my laughter because it was worse damage then the other wand places, "I can fix it if you'd like."

"Let's find your a wand first," the old guy said sounding scared. The next wand was black and red with snake designs on it. I tried that wand and it was worked perfectly. "Wow that's interesting this wand hasn't been used since Salazar Slytherin passed," The old guy mumbled. I paid for my wand and left his store too shocked that I finally found a wand. Next thing I need to get is an owl.

I walked into the owl emporioum I think it was called. They had so many selection's of owls but none interested me. I went to the back of the store and found the most adorable looking baby pheonix. I asked the shopkeep for her and got the pheonix and named her Alectra. I thought since I couldn't find an owll I should get a pheonix. I had an hour left so I decided to look around and ended up in this dark alley. I found this cool shop and went inside. I saw this cool box that had like a bunch of dangerous magic stuff in their that I can't even begin to decribe and it was being sold for a decent price. I picked it up and walked over to the register. "Lucius yes my best customer what would you like today," the guy behind the counter said. "I would like to by this," the man suposedly named Lucius said pointing to a boy holding a sphere orb thing. "Ahh yes good choice, good choice," the creepy dude smiled and rung him up. The creepy dude saw me and asked, "Young Miss what would you be doing in a place like this." "Well I was browsing through shops and saw this one and the stuff in here looked cool so I figured I'd look around and then I saw this awesome box and decided I was going to buy it," I shrugged nonchallantly. "Ok," he said and left it at that while looking at me weirdly and rung me up.

I left the shop and it was time for me to start heading back to Gringots. I got their just before Rida and Henry. We took a cab to Grand Central Station and arrived on platform 9 and 3/4. I got on the train and went to the last car and compartment which was empty. I locked it and hooked up my iPod and started listening to my music on the way to Hogwarts. Ugh I so hate trains I thought. The train stopped and I unlocked my compartment to see Professer Mcgonagol standing outside it she told me I had to wait till eveyone left and I had to be the last one.

I started playing with my necklace that was given to me after I transformed. It was a red amulet in shape of a pheonix and the inside of the amulet looked like fire. It apparently has been in the family for generations. She also told me I have to take to extra classes because of my powers and family lineage.

[A/N Hey guys I hope you like the story so far I decided to write a harry potter fan fic comment vote fan let me know what you think. Correct me if I'm wrong on some of the info in this book. Characters and Places that J.K. Rowling made up in Harry Potter belong to her, but I own Gianna Remington and her lot.]

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