"I'm Hwang Yeji....I also work for the firm but I am a lawyer working on the brand and company cases" and she also gives me her card. I bow and so does she

"Well nice to meet you" I say, and the the door opens, she smiles my way.

"Well I guess I'll see you around" and she slightly touches my arm before walking out. Chan quickly moves to stand besides me

"Dude. She wants to get some" and I pinch his cheek

"Don't be rude" I say

"Well then what was that about? .. or maybe you want to...." and before he finishes I push him out of the elevator since we arrive at the first floor

"Don't have those kind of thought Chan" I say and he just laughs.

Once we walk into the mini mart to buy the donuts and some drinks for later, we see Sehyoon there talking with another man

"Oh look....SEHYOON.!!" Chan starts to say loudly and the few customers in the store look his way

".. sorry...." I just whisper on his behave

He quickly rushes to stand besides him and bows once Sehyoon sees him

"Hey Yuchan....how are you?" Sehyoon says and keeps smiling. I walk towards them and just bow also.

"Hey Sehyoon" I say. I've being working with him for over a year and we hit it off really quick. He's one of the most respected lawyers in the firm and a very smart man. He has really serious look always but is not a mean guy.

"Great I just came to buy some cigarettes" Sehyoon says and soon Chan is looking so surprise

"Smoking is so horrible for you" he says and Sehyoon looks at him a bit confuse

"Is only for special occasions in case I lose..." he says and the man besides him just shakes his head.

"Well I'm leaving, I'll see you around" Sehyoon says and we both nod. His friend also leaves with him.

We pay our stuff and move back to the office.

"What was that?" I say and Chan looks my way


"The don't smoke is bad for your health comment....you're right but it just came out awkward" I say smiling at him and he blushes so hard

"Nothing, just community service" he says and giggles nervously

"You also run to be by his side...Is there something I don't know?" and once we're at the four floor the door opens and he rushes out

"I'll take the stairs" and before I could ask he takes his leave.

Silly kid.

Once I reach my office spot I find Chan already seating there

"Well you're fast aren't you?" I say and he just keeps sipping his coffee. I decide to not ask about Sehyoon, since it was all too obvious. At least to me.

He continues to tell me about his day to day as an intern and I just listen to him.

No one knows that I am a single father , or about my divorce. Is not like I am embarrassed or something. But soon the questions of what happen? Why isn't the mom with you?  is something I really hate answering. So my personal life stays with me at the moment. Being 25 and already divorce and having experience being unemployed with a kid is not something I like to discuss.

But I do like to talk about Eunkyung the most

"How's she?" He soon asks and I just say the usual

"More beautiful and cute as yesterday...." I say and Chan smiles softly. Her picture is on my desk so eventually everyone knew I have a daughter.

"Um Junhee..." Chan says and I turn from my screen to him

"Yes Channie..." I reply

"Is it my imagination...or is that handsome man staring our way?" He asks and I turn from my screen to the man standing across the office, just a few seats away. He's standing outside the C.E.O's office and his eyes are focus our way.

"Probably not...." but before I could say more Chan is already waving his way, "Chan what are you doing?"

And soon enough the man is waving back

"See I told you...he's being spacing out this way ever since you came" he says and I look at him completely confuse

"What do you mean?" I ask and he just shrugs it off.

"Well I'm going back to work, I'll see you at lunch...." and I nod as he leaves

Just then I am even more curious.

I also wave his way

And he waves back, there's a smile on his face that show his teeth.

I haven't ever seen such beautiful man here before. Or ever.

STAY /  A.C.E AU DongJun  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon