iii. can he do freaky things, too?

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"Well, I obviously wouldn't bring him here if he was dangerous."

"Can he do freaky things like majority of the people in here?"

"I am not obligated to answer that."

"Actually, you are."

"Under who's jurisdiction?"


Sam rolled his eyes as Tony continued to bash him for bringing Bo to the compound. He didn't understand why they were being so thickheaded. Sam thought that it was because the Avengers seemed to have a thing with villains that later on turn good. Clint, Wanda, and Pietro. Himself, Steve, Natasha, and Bucky (who still wasn't his friend). Bruce, Thor, and Loki. Of course they would be a little on edge when he brought a stranger into the compound without at least telling someone, but Sam still thought it unnecessary to point their weapons that they used to kill weird alien thingies on a teenage boy the same age as Parker. Speaking of Parker, he was currently in the common room with Bo and Bucky while him and the rest of the Avengers, including Vision, Wanda, and Pietro, stood in a meeting room with a window so they could keep an eye on the three. Originally, Tony wanted to lock Bo in a cell strong enough to hold the Hulk, not wanting to leave Peter in a room with Bo and Bucky (who he still didn't quite trust no matter how many cookies Bucky baked him). Peter protested loudly which was really unlike him. Tony was surprised, so taken aback that he agreed to leave Peter how he was, but still wanted to keep an eye on him which lead them to where they were now.

"Listen, he's a kid, alright. He's lost everything and I'm the only person he knows." Sam stated.

"But, do you know him?" Clint declared. "Like, I mean, actually know him. Like, met him—"

"Okay! I get it, Jesus!" Sam exclaimed. "I haven't met him before today, but I know his life story. I know that he was born in a cabin and I know that his mom was some lady from France that escaped from, possibly, HYDRA and that his dad was my best friend and that, possibly, HYDRA is currently after him!"

"Or he could be with HYDRA."

Sam let out a groan and fell back into his chair. He stared out of the large window that gave him the perfect view of the boy. Bo who was just a kid, an innocent one too, Sam could see it in his eyes. Clint stepped in front of the window, blocking Sam's view.

"Look, you said it yourself. You just met him today. You don't know if he's a spy, if he's here to trick you, to trick us. You said that, um, your best friend—"


"Right, Riley. You said that he was Bo's father. Why wouldn't he, your best friend, tell you about his own kid?" Clint's words were quiet but affective.

"Don't!" Sam shouted. He closed his eyes and waited until his breaths evened out. The mention of his dead best friend lying to him— Clint didn't have the right to speak about it.

"Don't." Sam repeated. His voice was quiet, quieter than Clint's words, but not as silent as the room. The silence was broken by a breath, but it wasn't Sam's and it wasn't Clint's. It came from across the room, from Steve. Steve stood with his back facing the window, arms crossed and isolated from the rest. Steve turned around. Sam could see the wariness in his blue eyes.

"Sam, I trust you and I understand." Sam interrupted him quickly and Steve gained a pained expression.

"But, do you believe me?"

Steve shook his head. He could see how this was affecting Sam. He wasn't usually like this. Sam always thought things through, always told someone beforehand. But this, this was a new Sam. A protective Sam. It didn't take long for him to get attached to Bo. He was so attached that everything he knew he should've done, all of those meetings and speeches that Steve held to make sure that his teammates knew what to do if something like this happened (and Steve worked very hard on those speeches), flew out the window, forgotten. Steve understood and he bet that Tony could relate too, seeing how fast he became attached to Peter. But, this could be HYDRA. This could be another evil organization. He just needs to know if what the kid told Sam was true.

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