Ch 17 "Scotland bound"

Start from the beginning

" I don't know do I?" I smile and send the text

then add before he replies " Can't you feel me" teasing him on the idea we can always feel each other from afar. 

there is no reply back its as if he has gone silent I text back "Babe, you okay "cat got your tongue" I laugh at my own words as I hit send

Again there is nothing, now I worry a little but knowing him he might have had to go into a meet so I think nothing of it and head to the shower

"I can't believe I fell asleep and didn't shower," I say to my self whispering. 

taking out my iPhone and blue tooth radio I turn on my Itunes and turn up the volume and start the shower. 

BEEP! " Hey, do you want to come to see guys in the ring and maybe do our own fight" Renee sends me out of nowhere. 

'Wait!, what?" I send her back then add " where are you"?

" I'm at the gym with matt, he had an Idea of letting us full fill our dream of them in the ring but only if we did it too"... What do you think?" she finishes

" Let me take my shower and get back to you, think Seb is in a meeting or something he hasn't replied back to me on an earlier comment," I tell her

"okay!" she replies

I get in the shower and start to wash up, letting the warm hot water run down my body taking in it in. 

I wonder where Seb is? it's not like him to not answer me... butt head. haha, I laugh to my self when I hear "Baby!" 

I open my eyes wide and look around there is no one there, I slide the shower door open and call out to him saying "Sebastian", But there is nothing. 

Okay, Im not one to go looking for a person when im creeped out, but hearing his voice and not seeing him in front of me is enough. 

"baby" I hear is again soft and smooth as if he teasing my ear. 

"Sebastian stops playing games," I say out in a mid-tone voice. 

" No games baby, I'm near you now  and you can hear me," he tells me

"Waa!!"... I gasp! how am I hearing him? this isn't human 

"baby, don't freak its a mind link ill explain in a little bit." he tells me. 

WHAT THE FUCK!!! is a mind link I think out loud and get out the shower leaving it to run as I head towel in hand to the front door to see if it's locked. 

As I see the door is locked and there is no one else here. I slide the other lock over so if the door was to open it won't unless I let it. I head back to the shower getting in before the water gets cold. and finish washing up.

I'm freaked out a little, can he hear what im thinking now. shit, that will not be okay. I don't hear anything to feel him near me like I sometimes do at night as if he was passing by and checking on me. I have missed him so much, not having his love and arm and body near me. I feel completely empty.

But, I don't think I want a mind link I begin to think to my self as I hear his low sexy frustrated GROWL! 

"Baby, the door" I hear again soft and sweet like he was asking me why?

I groan out not wanting to get out the shower yet. "Ill wait take your time" I hear him smile out at me. 

Omg! how is this possible I think to my self. reaching for the nozzle and turn off the water stepping out and grabbing my towel again I wrap it around me and head to the door. grinning that I made him wait. 

Her Hearts Desire, His Pleasure! (Sebastian IIL)Twist (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now