"Wow Sally dating the school bully? Very unexpected from you" Todd started. "That's what  I was thinking" Larry followed. "Yeah I know, but it's not like I control my soul mate string" I responded back. "Yeah you guys let's be happy for Sal now that we can be 100% sure that he's gay" Of course Ash needed to add her great comments. We all broke out laughing, as stupid as the things Ash might say sound they are still hilarious.

We walked for a bit more and finally reached the apartments. Todd headed to his apartment and Ash went to Larry's. "Ya wanna join us Sal?" Larry asked. "Are you sure you're not gonna make out and have me be the 3rd wheel?" I quickly replied. "Oh c'mon we aren't always like that" Ash defended back.

"Alright fine, but I swear if you guys start being weird..." I teased. "We won't" They both responded in unison. I giggled "Alright you guys" We got on the elevator and went to the basement. We got to Larry's place and chilled out in his room. "So what do you guys wanna do?" Larry asked us. "Um I'm not sure, whatever you guys want" I responded.

"Oh we should watch that movie I rented last night!" Ash said with excitement. "What movie did you rent?" I asked. "It's this new scary movie based on a serial killer, the trailer looked super cool!" Ash continued on with her excitement. "Sounds cool, what do you say Larry face?" I asked. Larry didn't answer right away, I turned to look at him "oh sorry, yeah sounds cool" Ash took out the disk from her back pack and put the disk into the DVD player.

Larry was just staring at Ash with stars in his eyes. Awe they truly were adorable, I wonder if I ever stare at Travis liked that without realizing. I smiled as I thought about Travis. So now you had me and Larry smiling like idiots and Ash just being excited about the scary movie. Yep this is our Friday nights.

The movie started and after a couple of minutes of movie time Larry and Ash are cuddling of course, I don't mind it though. It only gets wierd when they start to make out and all that gay shit (as my bf calls it) oh wait aren't I the gay shit. Well either ways it's cute till it gets too far.

We continued to watch when I offered to get snacks. They both nodded and I got up to go make some popcorn. I grabbed a bag and put it in the microwave and go look for some drinks. I then get a message. I check to see who it's from, it was from my church boy

>Hey blue angel

>Hey chruch boy what's up

>Nothing I just missed you a lot

>Awe don't miss me too much, I'll get to see you tomorrow!

>Yeah I know, what are you doing?

>Just hanging out with Larry and Ash, and you?

>Oh cool, I'm just doodling in my notebook

>Oh can I see?


>*Sketch of Sally without mask*

>Wow that's really good!

>Hah thanks

>I'd love to draw you one day

>You should show me if you ever do :)

>Ok lol

>I got to go, bye love

>Oh bye lover boy

Soon after ending our texts the microwave started to beep. I got the popcorn and grabbed some water bottles I found. With that I went back to Larry's room where I surprisingly didn't find them making out. I gave them the water and set the bag of popcorn down on the bed.

I sat back down and watched the movie. It was actually really good which is surprising because serial killer movies can kinda suck now a days.

// end of movie //

We didn't even realize the movie was two hours long, but it was super good and totally worth it. Once the credits had started rolling I looked over to see Ash fast asleep in Larry's arms. "When did Ash even fall asleep?" I asked Larry. "I'm not sure, maybe like half way through the movie" he answered. "Oh well I'll leave you two" I said.

"Ya sure?" Larry asked me. "Yeah besides I need to sleep soon I've got a big day tomorrow!" I said with a smile. Larry looked confused for a bit "Oh yeah you're gonna hang out with your boyfriend's  mom, ok well later Sally face" responded my tall friend. "Bye Larry face" I said as I left his room. I left his apartment and headed to the elevator.

I got on and pushed the button. Once the elevator reached my floor I got off and went to my apartment.  I went to my room and plopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone. It was 10:36 pm. I scrolled through tumblr for a bit when I got bored and decided to look out my window.

I took off my prosthetic then opened the window. The soft air felt nice on my face. I then looked down to my hand as I saw the little red string tied around my finger. It made me happy to have finally found the one, my one. Maybe it wasn't who I was expecting, but yet again I had no expectations.

All I knew was that I was happy with my lover boy. After a few minutes of thinking I closed my window and decided to pick out my outfit for tomorrow. I wasn't sure what to wear, usually when I need to dress fancy I wear a dress or a skirt so I guess that could do.

I looked through my closet when I found my old favorite sweater and I thought I lost it in Jersey. It was an oversized light purple sweater, then I found some high waisted pants to match with it. Yeah this could work. I put my outfit by my bed and start to get sleepy.

I take out my glass eye and set it in the cup of water next to my bed and lay down. My eyes lids start to feel heavy and before I knew it I was asleep.

Sushi: Ah thanks so much for 500+ views holy shit! I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I'll do it I swear. Ah and I was supposed to already get to the part with Sal and Travis' mom, but I keep making my chapters too long. But I hope you enjoyed~

Love Line || Sally x Travis (Soulmate AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن