Chapter Two

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By the time I woke up, my mom was asleep to my left. I picked up my phone and it was 4am. I was in so much pain that i could barely move.
"Mom? Wake up mom. I have to go to the bathroom," I said in a whisper. She woke up and went outside of the room to find a nurse. She finally found one. A somewhat tall lady came into the room. She has brown eyes and brown hair. I went to the bathroom and I got back into the bed that I was in before. I had to use a wheelchair to get around. I was starving and I never ate dinner because I just fell right asleep. The nurse and my mom were talking to each other. I looked over towards my phone. I picked it up and shifted to a spot where I felt more comfortable. I texted everyone say that I was okay just in a lot of pain. My mom walk back into the room after she talked to the nurse outside.
"Sweetie, do you want something to eat?" Asked my mom while she went to give me a hug.
"Yes please. I'm starving," I said while I looked at my leg. My leg was in a huge white cast. My mom left to go get me some food and I just looked around the room until she got back. One nurse walked into the room I was staying at and she was checking on me to see how I was doing. I simply told her that i was hungry and in a lot of pain. She came over towards me and she switched my IV bag. When the nurse left, my mom was walking into the room. My mom walked over to me and she sat a tray on my stomach so i could eat without moving a lot. She got me some read and a cup of mulj. I quickly ate and I started to drink the cup of mulj. I finished in like three minutes. I was still hungry but I was happy i got some food in my stomach. After I was done eating the sun was shining threw the window. I was really bored sitting underneath a blanket on a hard bed in the hospital.
"Hey mom. Can we leave this place and go home?" I asked while I was looking at the plain wall.
"I'm sorry Ashley, but we have to stay here until surgery is over. In one hour you will be going back for surgery. When you fainted, you fell and somehow broke your femur and the girls behind you stepped on your broken leg. So, from them stepping on your leg after you broke it, it shattered because of all the weight on it and now you have to get it amputated.
A hour passed and two nurses can in. The gave me something that made me fall asleep. When i was asleep I went back for surgery. After the surgery i could no longer walk or run. I have to have a fake leg so I could still walk around. After the surgery was done I was still asleep. So they rolled me back into the room that I was in before. My mom waited for me to open my eyes.

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