chapter twenty-nine

Start from the beginning

“Not literally, don’t worry, Ian.”

He nodded and kissed my head.

We walked into the classroom and I saw that Professor Hottie was already in there. He was sitting in his usual spot.

“Good morning, Professor Denson,” I said in a very flirtatious voice. I looked Morgan up and down and saw how hot he looked today. He was wearing jeans, and he’s the only teacher who could pull those off that’s for sure, and a rolled up black shirt with a gray tie. Oh the dirty things I’d do to him! Addie, snap out of it.

Morgan’s mouth gaped open and then quickly shut. “Good morning, Miss Johnson.”

I smiled and then stood right in front of Morgan so he could stare at me, or at least I hoped he would. Ian was talking about another party on Friday with Darren. I was pretty bored though listening to them. I remembered I had a pencil in my hand though and then I dropped it. I went down to the floor to pick it up but then Morgan came up and grabbed it first while sliding his hand up my leg.

Oh, shit. Please move that hand before I do something illegal to you that would pleasure both of us.

I quickly shot up and he handed me my pencil and removed his hand.

What was this insane man doing to me?

“I believe you dropped this Miss Johnson,”

Oh, shit. He’s speaking to me.

“Oh, uh, yeah, thanks, Professor Denson.”

He flashed his beautiful smile and then winked at me.

He turned around to walk away but then turned back to me and the boys.

“Don’t forget about the quiz in five minutes,” he said with a slick smirk across his face.

Damn his good looking genes!

Oh, shit! The quiz! This man was going to kill me!

We all sat down then and grabbed out our notes real quick to look over them. I glanced at them and then I felt someone staring at me so I looked up and saw Professor Hottie smiling. Ugh. I hate him, really I do.

“Clear your desks, except for a pencil or pen,” he said hopping off of the table and passing out the stapled quizzes.

I looked at the questions and just stared at them. Hmm, maybe I should’ve paid attention in class yesterday.

I just picked what I thought was right and then turned them in. He had said after finished we could leave. There was only three people left, Ian, some girl and me. I hopped up to turn in my quiz when Ian quickly followed.

“Just finishing?” I asked whispering as we walked over together to turn them in.

“Nah, I’ve been done, I just was waiting for you,” he said smiling. I noticed the girl was finished now,too and she got up to turn in her paper.

“Aw, you didn’t have to do that.”

Seriously, he didn’t.

“I know, but I wanted to.”

We turned in our papers and I went back to my desk to grab my book and purse.

“Oh, Miss Johnson, mind staying a minute?” Morgan asked as we all started heading out the door.

I rolled my eyes.

“Actually I do.”

“Miss Johnson, please stay after I have some things to discuss with you.”

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now