Chapter 5

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The next day I was trying to stay as calm as possible so that my mom wouldn’t suspect anything. I stayed in my room for most of the day just in case I didn’t seem calm enough.

At one in the afternoon I grabbed my shoes and jacket and went downstairs.

“Where are you going,” my mom asked me suspiciously as I walked into the kitchen to let her know that I was leaving.

“I decided that I really don’t think that breaking up with Christian was the best idea so I’ve decided that I need to go over to his house and talk to him about it,” I lied.

“Oh, okay,” she said totally buying it. “Just make sure that you be careful, please.”

“I promise,” I told her. “I love you, mom.”

“I love you too, Kate,” she said. I gave her a big hug before I left.

Hopefully I would be home for dinner tonight.


The day seemed like it was going by as fast as the slowest turtle on earth could walk. Finally, though, it was was four o’clock which meant that I could get ready to go to Kate’s house.

Thank God my mom wasn’t home because I knew that she would have commented on how big of a nervous wreck I was.

When I was getting out of the shower I heard the doorbell ringing. I hurriedly threw on my clothes and walked to the front door.

“Please tell me that you’ve heard from Kate in the past few hours,” Brittney said as soon as the door was opened.

“Um, no I haven’t,” I told her. “Brittney, what’s going on?”

“Kate’s mom just called me and asked me if I could come here and see if Kate was still here because Kate’s not answering her phone and her mom’s freaking out,” Brittney explained.

“What are you talking about,” I asked her. “I haven’t seen Kate since yesterday at the park.”

“Oh my God, this can’t be good,” Brittney said on the verge of freaking out.

“Calm down, Kate’s probably just at the park thinking about whatever it is that she told her mom that she was coming over here to talk to me about,” I told her. “Let me get my jacket and shoes and we’ll go to the park together to see if Kate’s there, okay?”

“K,” Brittney said.


“So you expect me to believe that the reason you tracked me down is because you’re sick and might die and if you do die you want me to have your inheritance,” I asked my real dad incredulously.

“I’m not lying to you, Kate,” he told me.

“What, you find out you’re dying and so you decide that the only person that you know to give your inheritance to is your biological daughter who you just so have happened to have abused for two to three years,” I said. “Know what, I shouldn’t even be sitting here talking to you so ba-bye.” I started standing up to leave, but my real dad stopped me.

“I know that after everything I did to both you and your mother that it’s hard to believe anything that I say, but at least think about what I’ve told you today,” he begged.

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