Food Is Love

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This is kind of self-explanatory, isn't it? I mean, looking at the title of this..I don't know what to call it, thing?

I'm easily placated with food. You see me unhappy? Food. You see me sad? Food (I'd be chewing while crying but still at the end of it, I'd be happy). Want me to say good things about someone? Feed me. Basically, I'm all about food.

Well, after coffee I think. I used to be a total monster before coffee. I don't smile before 7.30am before caffeine. In fact, people avoid to interact with me totally in the mornings. But then I realised, a bread changed it all. Yes, bread with yeast (mauripan) in it. That makes the world a better place (for those who sit near my cubicle, at least).

And then it brings us to doughnut. 2019 has been weird up to this point. Most of the days, there is a doughnut on my table. I also have a pen with a pink doughnut at the top of the pen. On average, I have doughnuts twice a week.

' Does it bring you joy?' if someone were to pose the same question as that of Maria Kondo. YES without a doubt.

So I guess, that is it. Food is love. Food connects people. Food does not judge people (at this point where everybody judges somebody).

I might want to watch this space. For food.

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