"You've been nothing but an ass, you don't deserve one." Your voice quavered as you looked away from him. You didn't want to get rid of him, but you were honestly fed up with the cat.

"Please..." He begged quietly, his claws nervously digging into your pants. "Don't get rid of me..."

You groaned and hated how whipped you were for him, but picked him up and agreed. "Fine, but you're getting in the car anyway. I just remembered that your monthly checkup is due."

He clung to you happily, mewling his appreciation and love for you. You just rolled your eyes and began driving the little bastard to his vet checkup, secretly hoping he'd get some shots in the butt after behaving so badly.

He did.

And you had a nice mental laugh about it. Karma's a bitch, Yoon.

The vet pulled you into a different room while Yoongi lay face down on the examining table, complaining and picking at the spongebob sticker on his ass. "He's a very healthy kitten," she said. "A bit whiny, but he's healthy. You said he was... nine months old?"

"Yep. Fully grown but acts like a brat." You chuckled affectionately.

"Okay. As it's almost spring, I suggest you keep a close eye on any female hybrids or cats he comes in contact with. It's practically mating season and he's officially old enough to be affected by it. If he was a normal cat, I could've neutered him, but it's considered unjust with hybrids." The vet rolled her eyes.

"That won't be a problem, I don't let him wander outside. He's not allowed to let others inside as well."

"Still, keep an eye. A female's scent alone could be enough to drive him crazy. And so nothing gets stained, put plastic over the furniture of the rooms he occupies frequently."

"Stained?" Your face scrunched up in confusion.

"Just take my word for it, I've owned a hybrid before. Their heat gets pretty intense." The vet laughed and walked back inside the examining room, Yoongi still complaining about his ass. You pulled his loose shorts back up for him and picked the small man up, him clinging to your shirt as he continued complaining. "Make sure you bring him  in next month for his checkup again."

      "Yes ma'am, thank you!" You walked back outside and let Yoongi lay down in the back seat so he wouldn't have to sit.

     "Y/n, my bum hurts."

     "Stop whining, I'll get you some ice for it when we get home." He smiled softly, a loud purr resonatingfrom his throat for the rest of the ride home. Not one more complaint out of him. You were impressed. He hadn't been that silent before. He didn't bother you for the rest of the day, obeying your every command you gave him.

     "Do you need me to do anything for you?" He asked sweetly as you sat in your bed, his tail wrapping around your hand as he purred loudly.

     "Who are you and what did you do to the regular Min Yoongi?" You chuckled at him, rubbing his ears gently.

     "You said you were gonna get rid of him so he doesn't come around anymore." Yoongi whispered quietly, still slightly hurt that you were ready to give him up.

     "Maybe if he learns to behave he can come back." You found the spot behind his ear that he loved being scratched, smiling as he melted into a puddle of fluff and happiness on the bed. "You know I love you, right angel cakes?"

     He gave you a look of disgust. "That name's stupid, never call me it again."

     You held up your hands in surrender. "Okay, okay, don't get your tail in a tizzy." He stuck his tongue out at you and flopped onto your lap, closing his eyes for his nap. "Is 'Your Royal Highness' better?" You asked sarcastically, watching him nuzzle his way closer to your stomach.

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