#5: I'm Falling

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I'm Falling

I'm falling

into an empty abyss

of darkness.

I know when I reach the bottom,

if there is one,

there will be no one to catch me.

I'm falling

into an empty abyss

of nothingness.

There is no life,

no joy,

no happiness.

I'm falling

into an empty abyss

that is my heart.

I know that if I reach the bottom

there will still be nothing.

No joy,

no happiness.

No love.

But wait.

I've stopped falling.

I feel something around me.

They're arms.

I look up at the face attached to them.

There is a squeeze in my chest.

I can't breathe.

What is this strange feeling

that is taking over?

The strange boy utters one word

that I never thought I would find

at the bottom of the abyss.

At the bottom of my heart.

He answers my unsaid question

with that single word:


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