The City of Paris

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"Ah a beautiful day in Paris, isn't it nice to see such a view like this." I say staring at the Eiffel Tower.
"Yes it is nice. Why don't we start heading back home, your mom is probably heading up to your room right now," Audre laughed as he nudged me to get off the roof.
"Very funny. It's getting late anyways, we should go."
"Alrighty captain." He said as he smiled and escorted me to my house.
"Paris always seems to take my breath the day and in the night too."
"Well we're lucky to live here. I guess."
"What do you mean, 'I guess'?" I say giving him a stern but sentimental look.
"Well...the day repeats itself ; you go take a stroll, eat ice cream, talk to friends or go to school, do homework then hang out with friends. It's just... even though we're free, there's just limited. I know that doesn't make sense because there's a lot to do here but I've lived here for so long that I already got tired of the same attractions."
"Wow... Deeeeeppp" I say not realizing his seriousness so I re direct myself," look I get it, but you don't always have to stay in Paris, there's other places you can go to... when youre grown."
"God how I wish I was older already." He says now noticing we arrived at my house."Well this is your stop."
"Thank you, Audre, I appreciate it." I say crawling back into the window.
Audre quickly grabs my arm,"Wait.. I enjoyed tonight. And about all that stuff I said about Paris, it's true but I'm very lucky to repeat the same things in a day with you."
"Awe your sweet. Now hurry back home before your dad starts running around the streets looking for you." I giggle while Audre smiles and lets me go.
Audre starts heading home disappearing into the dark.
I look around my room searching for my bed in the dark. The floor creeks so I try being more quieter. All of a sudden this light appears, growing and growing till it's the size of me. I hear screams and burning wood coming from the light, I try to back up as much as I can, breathing heavily, I try not to freak out. Then the light shrinks until what's left of it becomes a ring.
"What the fuck?" I say incredibly confused on what I just saw. I picked up the black ring, and observed it, closely.
"What is this?" I heard footsteps come up to my room. I immediately hid the ring in a drawer and rushed into bed, pretending to sleep.
My mother opens the door,"Nicolette ?" She says as she turns on the light. I stay frozen, waiting for her to leave.
My mother closes the door noticing I'm already alseep and leaves.
As I'm alone in my dark room, I start to wonder what that light was and what the screams of terror were coming from, or what caused it. It's probably a dream and when I wake up, the ring won't even be there. I tell myself that over and over until... I sleep.

Words: 534

Okay so this is my first ever story, I'm just starting, I don't know for how long I'll be doing this but I know I'll continue this story.
Goodbye 👋🏽

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