I could feel myself scowling.  He called me Ginger to make it seem like it was work related.  If I tried to refuse I would end up looking like a bitch.  “Fine.”  I said coolly.  I turned back to Gavin and smiled.  “I’ll be right back,” and handed him my rag.  I followed Mark back to his office in silence.

When we got there he shut the door behind us.  “I would prefer if you would keep the door open.  I don’t want anyone to think something was going on between us.”  I looked him up and down.  “Especially now that there isn’t.”

“Please just talk to me.”  He looked at me.  He looked pathetic.

I folded my arms across my chest.  “What do you want me to say?  That you overreacted today.  That I pulled strings to get Vinnie to take your case and you treated him like a criminal.  Or how you just used a skank that has a thing for you to try to make me jealous, like a five year old.”

Mark raked his hands through his hair.  I was waiting for him to attempt to deny any of those accusations but to my surprise he instead apologized.  “Look I’m sorry.  I asked you the other day about you and Vinnie and I didn’t think that you were being completely honest with me.  So when I got to his office today and the two of you were…”

“…hugging.  He and I were hugging.”  I finished his sentence, only I was losing my fight.  Obviously he could tell I was lying the other night because I was.

“But it didn’t look that way from where I was standing.”  Mark was pleading with me to believe him.  And I knew that he was right.  “Just with all those pictures and the way you guys are with each other, I guess I just let my imagination get the best of me.  I should’ve believed you.”

Now I felt even worse.  I was trying to make him feel guilty when I was the one who should.  He shouldn’t have believed me the other day because I wasn’t being honest.

“Look let’s just forget about it.  All though now you have Kiera all revved up with no place to go."  I could honestly say I didn’t feel bad about that at all.

Mark smiled a genuine smile.  He stepped up to me and kissed me.  He cupped my face and wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me towards him.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.  Inside I knew I couldn’t ever tell Mark the truth about Vinnie if I wanted our relationship to work out.  But the real question was could I ever get past the guilt I felt not telling him?

When we finished making up and making out we decided to go back out into the club as if nothing happened.  Daphne agreed to call it a night.  I wasn't sure how long the reformed Daphne was going to stick around but I must say I am enjoying it while it lasts.  I decided that I needed some time to soothe my guilt and told Mark I would see him tomorrow.  He didn’t put up too much of a fight once I assured him that everything between he and I was fine.  I agreed to call him when Daphne and I made it to the apartment tonight.  I could sense Kiera watching us interact but I knew that she didn’t know what was going on.  There was no way that she would be throwing herself at Mark the way she was if she thought he were with me.  No one can be that much of a bitch.

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