Chapter 6: Hogsmeade Date

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“You decked Malfoy in the face? Wicked.” Fred says with a grin.

“Are you forgetting the fact that he hit her as well?” George says, giving his twin a look.

“I'm fine.” I say. “Honestly.”

“Did he hit you first?” Fred asks.

“No, I hit him first then he swung at me.” I said.

“Ran his mouth. Didn’t he?” George says.

“Yeah, said some things. So I punched him.” I say, closing my potions book.

“Here.” Fred says, he slides a little container over to me. “I’m sure you’re familiar with our bruise vanisher.” He gives me a smile.

“thank you.” I say, putting the container away in my robes.

It's strange with the Weasleys and I. We get mad at each other and then we make up so easily. I’ve seen days where harry and Ron don’t speak and same with Hermione and Ron. I think I forgive so easily because they are all I have. I put my thoughts and feelings aside most of the time. I think I would go crazy if I dwell on the fact that I like George. Just easier to be friends. But, I could do without George being so jealous when he sees me with Cedric.

First week of classes went by slow, mainly because I was looking forward to going to Hogsmeade with Cedric. I had already let Fred and George know I was going with him ahead of time so they weren't thrown off by the fact I wasn’t going to be with them. But, they did say I might see them around Hogsmeade depending on where I was going to be at.

I am a bit nervous to eat breakfast on this beautiful Saturday morning, so I skipped breakfast and just put on jean’s and a tee shirt and head towards the Great Hall to meet up with Cedric. Sure enough, hes leaning against the end of the Hufflepuff table with his arms crossed, talking to someone and laughing. Hes wearing a grey shirt and jeans his light brown hair a tad messy and his golden honey eyes lock onto my green eyes and he straightens up. He smiles and excuses himself from his friends and walks over to me.

“You ready to head out to Hogsmeade?” he asks.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” I say with a smile.

I look at the Gryffindor table and sure enough Hermione, Harry, Ron, Fred and George are all staring at Cedric and I. I smile and wave at them. Cedric turns to look at their table and smiles and looks back at me.

“Do they know we're going out?” Cedric says.
I feel my cheeks get hot at Cedrics question, but my hair hasn’t turned pink yet. That is very odd to me.

“Yeah, I told them. They’re just watching us.” I say.

Cedric puts his arm around me and leads me out of the Great Hall and we head towards the front doors to the Courtyard. We make small talk along the bridge between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. He asks me about my summer holiday besides the quidditch word cup of course, which I tease about Bulgaria losing.

“Crazy Viktor Krum is actually here at Hogwarts.” Cedric says.

“Yeah, George told me hes the best seeker in the world.” I say.

“He is.” Cedric agrees. “Three Broomsticks?” he looks at me.

“Yeah, let’s go in there.” I say, Cedric opens the door and we go into pub.

It's a little crowded obviously. The Three Broomsticks is a popular place in Hogsmeade. I cant help but think about last year, coming here with Fred and George, sitting in that corner. And Draco picking a fight, I cant help but think about how Fred and George defended me that day, kneeling next to George and helping him with his bloody lip. I almost blush at the thought of George always ready to fight for me. I shake the memory away as Cedric leads me over to a table in the corner of the pub. Two menus appear in front of us as we sit down.

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