Chapter 5: Potions Class

Start from the beginning

I also hit him wishing for a split second that it was George Weasley, how dare he have the nerve to go talk to some veela girl when I’ve literally done everything I can to tell him that I like him and he doesn’t reciprocate, well, the second time he didn’t. Yeah, I guess I am jealous. And confused. This whole thing with George is confusing.

Before I know it, it’s morning, and I’ve gotten very little sleep. Great, now I’m losing sleep over George Weasley. Wish I had quidditch or something to distract me this year. I get dressed, putting on my tights, black skirt, white button up with the vest and loosely tie my tie. I put on my Slytherin robe and slip on my boots before fixing my hair so it’s covering my bruised eye. I grab my messenger bag and walk out of the dormitory and head down the steps to the common room.

The common room is empty as I walk through it so now I know there wont be any altercations happening. I climb through the portrait hole and make my way to the Great Hall. Judging by how I’m feeling, I can tell this day will not be the best. I walk into the Great Hall and a lot of people are sitting down eating breakfast. Draco glares at me as I walk into the Great Hall. I roll my eyes and see Hermione waving at me. I reluctantly make my way to the Gryffindor table and sit between her and Harry. Ron is on the other side of Harry and Fred and George are sitting across from us.

“How are you this morning, Em?” Harry asks.

I keep my focus on the table while answering him. “I'm okay.” I say.

“What classes do you have first?” Hermione asks. I take out my schedule and slide it over to her.

“Did you guys see the bruise on Malfoys eye? It’s like spreading to his nose.” Ron sounds extremely pleased. “Wonder who decked him.”

Everyone looks over at Draco Malfoy except for me, I make sure to pull some hair in front of my eye. The twins and Harry begin to laugh and Hermione rolls her eyes.

“He always runs his mouth. Honestly, I think this is a record, hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and hes already got a black eye. Will never learn.” Hermione says taking a bite of pancake.

“Who says he ran his mouth?” Fred says.

For the first time this morning I look up at Fred and George. 

“Yeah sometimes I just look at him and want to punch him just for existing.” George says, I try not to smirk, but I cant help it.

“You’re awfully quiet, Em.” Fred says, looking at me. “Missed you last night after dinner.”

“You both left before me..” I say.

“Oh..” Fred says.

So Fred doesn’t even realize I was still in the Great Hall. Which means George doesn’t realize either.

“Wait you walked to the common room by yourself?” George asks.

“I went with Cedric.” I say. Everyone raises their eyebrows at me, I raise my hands in defense.

“Whoa, not like that. I wouldn’t be caught dead in a hufflepuff common room.” I roll my eyes.

“he walked me to my common room after I waited for you two and you left without me.”

“Bloody hell, Em, we're sorry.” Fred says and I nod.

“It wont happen again.” George says.
Hermione tries not to giggle. We all look at her.

“It's the bauxbaton ladies. They’re part veela which makes them irresistible. After dinner both of you walked over to the Ravenclaw table to talk to them. And then after you were done talking you guys left. So basically, you were under some kind of trance.” Hermione says,

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