Asteroid Coaster

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The heroes arrived at Asteroid Coaster, all Meggy could see was green slime, along with strange plants.

Mario: Wow.

Meggy: This place is freaky.

Aqua: What is that green stuff?

Infinite: Not sure, but i don't think you should touch it.

Machito: Hey, is that a Roller-Coaster?!

Machito ran over to it and jumped in.

Mario: Oh, Mama Mia.

Meggy: Hehe, why not?

Infinite: Let's go!

Aqua: Oh no... i'm going to get so sick after this.

ReaderFromWR: Everyone get in!

Everyone else got onto the Rollercoaster, and the ride began.



Aqua covered her eyes with her hands, ReaderFromWR and Machito were cheering like crazy.

Machito: THIS IS SO FUN!

The Rollercoaster did a loop, Infinite looked forward and realized that there was no more track a few feet ahead.

Infinite: OH SHIT! 

Meggy: Huh? What's the matter?

Infinite teleported everyone out of the Rollercoaster, as it fell off the track.

Mario: Mario is a very dizzy.

Aqua: Oh...oh god...i feel really dizzy...

Aqua threw up, Machito ran over to Aqua to see if she was ok.

Infinite: Well, let's get-

The path was blocked by tall capsules containing a blue liquid in them.

ReaderFromWR: How are we gonna get past that?

Infinite: I have an idea.

Infinite whistled, Lucy came out of nowhere and gave Infinite a high-five.

Meggy: Hey Infinite, could i try using Lucy's power?

Infinite: Sure!

Lucy flew over to Meggy and giggled.

Meggy: So adorable.

Meggy absorbed Lucy, and turned into a Berserker Chomper. She began breaking through the capsules, while the others followed her. Eventually Meggy had cleared the path, and turned back to normal.

Mario: You okay, Meggy?

Meggy: Y-yeah. I'm fine. 

Infinite: Alright, let's continue.

Machito: You guys go on ahead, kinda sick after that Rollercoaster ride.

Infinite: Alright then.

Mario: Hope you feel better soon, Aqua!

Aqua: T-thanks, guys.

The heroes went on without Machito and Aqua, the remaining heroes got in the middle of a robot crowd, and began to fight. A security camera was watching the fight.

Eggman: I won't lie, i'm quite impressed on how a fat plumber and a squid girl managed to get through so many of my robots.

Orbot: Well, it's only a matter of time until your mind control cannon is at 100%. 

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