Welcome home big brother

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"Come on come on! I want to see the new sword!" Imanotsurugi grinned as he spun around, getting prepared to run off in the direction of the saniwa's room. All he wanted was to see if he knew them..and if it was one of his older brothers who still hadn't arrived. A laugh escaped the much taller one as the second brother just nodded. Imanotsurugi took this as an excuse to run off, which he did rather quickly. Nearly knocking over a few shorter swords and having Hasebe more than mad when he reached the saniwa's room. The brown haired man begun going through the list of why Imanotsurugi shouldn't have done that. Safety this, nuisance that. A pain to deal with but it gave a chance to wait to see who exactly was the new sword. The best excuse possible.

Ishikirimaru and iwatooshi eventually caught up even if they were walking rather slowly. Once he noticed what was occurring, Iwatooshi found it all greatly amusing. You couldn't be mad at a sword who was just simply excited to see a family member and who has done every chore rather quickly for today.

"And another thing. Master is busy at the moment. You can not just go around..." Hasebe continued his argument. The three brothers looked up when they heard the door slide open, getting ready to great them but they did become rather upset when they saw who. Ichigo Hitofuri. They could not hold any anger towards him. He and his many many brothers would be happy to be reunited together since like the sanjou brothers have been apart for so long. Just too bad it wasn't who they believed. The name had escaped ishikirimaru of who had informed him of the new sword that was smithed but they told him that it was his oldest brother. The one Imanotsurugi got overly excited for.

"Oh hello. I'm Ichigo hitofuri. It is a pleasure to meet you all." The sky blue haired man bowed, which the others all returned.

"Hey Imano! Let's go spar. I'm sure someone would join us." Iwatooshi smiled, his shark like teeth shining. The youngest Sanjou nodded. Might as well try.

In the end, it was Iwatooshi and Imanotsurugi sparing against Sayo and Kousetsu with Souza and Ishikirimaru deciding to watch. Both of the spectators placed bets on their brothers to win. The overall match of some kind ended up in a draw. Sayo and Imanotsurugi had rather similar fighting styles. Not exactly the same but close enough. The money was just kept since there was no point in trading it over to the other. Though it was all good fun, helpful in training them to be quicker and stronger as well as to fight against slightly different weapons. Still, even though he did his best Imanotsurugi was still a little down. It was more obvious to the samonji's.

Whilst they all were trying to cheer the short sword, yet another new comer had left the Saniwa and made their way outside. Granted they did spend some time before going to visit the Saniwa searching for some people and drinking tea with a new friend who's name they forgot to get. Oh well they can get it next time they cross paths. Admittedly, they had no clue where to head or who they were actually looking for. Names they remembered but faces, not so much. With a hum, they turned to glance in the direction of the training hall. Some people were present there and the outfits of a few of them gained their attention. They carefully made their way there whilst slightly hoping it was who they thought. Maybe not. They quickly stepped into the training hall with a large grin.

Found them fairly quickly.

"Excuse me, may I ask what room this is? It seems...interesting." They let out a soft chuckle. Imanotsurugi turned rather quickly and got extremely close to screaming. He ran over and leaped onto the taller sword, clinging as though they would disappear if he let go. Small tears began to form and quickly came close to crying out loud. It was not a lie. The rumour was correct. Perhaps it was just the older brother being a stronger and more complex sword.

"You're home Mikazuki nii-sama! I'm so happy!" Mikazuki let out a small chuckle and gently patted his head.

"I know. Just one more to go. How about you help me find my room so I can change? Maybe you can show me around...Imano." He started the name more like question. The nod he received was a relief. He was glad that it was correct. It would have been embarrassing for the tachi if he just called them with the wrong name straight away. A sigh escaped him and he closed his eyes for a second before reopening them. Iwatooshi quickly moved to pick up his brother for a hug, startling the older tachi immensely.

"Alright that's a plan! We show him to his room, let him change and then we show him around. Maybe get some food too. Let's go!" He laughed loudly, leaving the hall with Mikazuki still on his shoulders and the other two following in tow. Mikazuki blinked a couple of times before laughing nervously.

"Can I be put down please?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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