The Legit Surprise

Start from the beginning

Mercedes: Thanks Fergal.

He smiled before leaving the two Horsewomen on their own.

Pamela: Alright lead me to your bathroom best friend.

Mercedes: Wait you're gonna be in there with me?!

Pamela laughed her ass off.

Pamela: No silly, I'm gonna be on the outside and I'll be waiting until you're done. I'm not some creep.

Mercedes: Sure you aren't; come on we're heading for the master bathroom.

They soon reached the room and Pamela handed her the test.

Mercedes: Well apparently it only takes three minutes to determine if I'm pregnant and Trevion said he'd be back in half an hour.

Pamela: Geez what did he do? Buy the entire grocery store up?

Mercedes: Given his appetite and metabolism, coupled with me being potentially pregnant; I wouldn't be surprised in the least bit if he did exactly that Pamela.

They share a hearty laugh together before she got serious again.

Mercedes: Well here we go...

Pamela: Hey it's going to be okay sister, I'm sure Trevion has been looking forward to becoming a daddy; well a father since he's your daddy...

Mercedes: I swear you're something else Pamela.

Mercedes entered the bathroom and took a couple of deep breaths in before starting the test. Three minutes as promised had passed and she walked out of the bathroom as Fergal and Pamela awaited the results.

Fergal: Well, don't hold out on us Mercedes... is there a little angel on its way?

Pamela: Come on I'm hoping to be a godmother Mercedes...

Mercedes looked at the both of them before speaking...

Mercedes: I hope you're ready for some babysitting duty, because I'm PREGNANT!!!

The trio hugged it out with Mercedes shedding some tears of happiness.

Mercedes: I'm going to be a mother.... I don't know what to say honestly. How do I even break the news to Trevion?

Trevion: Break the news about what?

The three turned around see Trevion with about three bags in his arms.

Trevion: Oh hey Fergs and Pam, I didn't see you there; Mercedes what were you going to say?

Mercedes: Why don't we deal with all the groceries first and then I'll tell you?

Trevion: I guess that's fair come on everyone.

After dealing with the groceries and after Pamela and Fergal had left their fellow couple, Mercedes and Trevion were watching a thriller/suspense movie when Trevion asked his question from earlier.

Trevion: So about earlier tonight, what's going with you?

Mercedes: Ok promise you won't be upset...

Trevion: I promise now what're you hiding baby girl?

Mercedes: Alright I'm just gonna say it, Trevion; I'm pregnant, we're having a baby more than likely due this coming December or January.

Trevion: Wow.... I'm gonna be a father; I don't believe it, I'm a daddy!!

Trevion picked Mercedes and she giggled happily as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Trevion: What do you think we're having?

Mercedes: So long as the baby is happy and healthy I don't care what gender it is... But I'm hoping for a girl.

Trevion: I gotta go with a baby boy; I've always imagined having at least once young king to carry forth the legacy of Trevion Butler.

Mercedes: Well we've got another nine months to figure out gender, nursery decorations but right now let's just revel in the fact that Legit-Breaker Baby is on the way. Because lord knows when the bump starts showing best believe media outlets are gonna start spreading rumours.

Trevion: Oh yeah, I almost forgot about those clout-chasing hounds; Well luckily Cassie(Peyton Royce) and Ron(Tye Dillinger) gave me plenty of tips of keeping big events under wraps until we're ready to reveal it.

Mercedes: I didn't expect to become a mother this early in my life, but I'm more than ready for the challenge of parenthood.

Trevion: As am I, I'm ready for your mood swings, the weird cravings you're going to endure but if I know my wife, she's going to crush pregnancy and motherhood!

Mercedes: Damn right and you can bank on that!


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