"Hey Leah, get in. Your Mum said you will probably say your sick but that i still have to pick you up" Alessandro yells from his car.

"Uh, well this time i actually am sick, so, bye" i say awkwardly while fumbling with my house key trying to unlock the house.

"Hurry up Leah i'm hungry" Zeke says

I turn around and notice someone else in the car. He's friends with Alessandro, i think his names Dante.

"Fuck" i say under my breath. I have no clue how to get out of this one.

Dante gets out of the front seat and gets in the back,

"Come on Leah!" Zeke yells from the back seat

"Fine" I yell back and get in the front seat.

The car ride was awkward.

Well for me, not the others, they just carried on talking like i wasn't there, it was just what they were talking about was awkward.

Zeke kept going on about how he was going to get with some girl called Tarrah tonight at some party they were all going to. Alessandro just kept talking about how he was going to get so drunk and hopefully not remember the night and Dante was talking about how he was going to fight someone called Zack and win.

I just sat there in the front looking outside.

"Hey Leah are you gonna come?" Dante asks

"Come to what?" I reply

"To the party duh" Zeke says


"Why not?" Dante asks

"I don't like them"

"How don't you like parties?" Alessandro says

"I just don't" I say and continue looking out the window

"Have you ever been to one?" Zeke says

"Well, no"

"Then you've got to come" Dante says






"Come on it'll be fun, you can bring your friends" Alessandro says breaking the repetition

"She doesn't have any Sandro" Zeke says laughing

"Yes i do"

"Then why do you always sit alone?"

"They just don't go to our school"

"You don't have any"

"Yes i do!"

"Then bring them!"


"Oh for god's sake if she doesn't have any she can't bring them" Dante says butting in

"I do have friends!"

"I don't believe you" Zeke says rolling his eyes "bring them then i can believe you"

"I don't care if you believe me or not"

But just then my phone starts ringing.

"See look it's one of them now!" I say picking it up. Sadly for me everyone could hear what Mia was saying because i had my volume accidentally turned the full way up.

"Hey Mia"

"Hey ok so we're going to a party tonight, i'll text you the address"

"I can't go-"

"Look I know you've never been to one but this one is going to be awesome so you have to come and-"

"See i told you" Zeke says loudly

"Who's that?" Mia says


"Oh i forgot, can you still go?"

"Yes she can" Dante said

"Ok cool, i'll text you the address"

She hangs up the phone.

"See i told you i had friends" I say in a matter of fact way.

"What's the address of the party?" Dante says

I look down at my phone and read out the address

"Hey that's the one were going to" Dante says

"Oh great" I say sarcastically and look out the window again.

The Gang Leaders StepdaughterWhere stories live. Discover now